The RNC Declaration of War, and the Coming Revolution

This is a must-read open letter, which does an excellent job presenting our current situation.  As such, I have reposted it verbatim from The Examiner

Dear America,

Apparently, my explanatory talents are not one of oration, but of writing. I am a prolific writer with 340 published as the Lafayette Examiner for the last 3.7 years. I consider you a close friend, and yet we find ourselves at odds and divided by the political process we now find ourselves in. What we face in America’s future is indeed a daunting challenge, and it seems at this time that only a few Americans understand the need to wake up. This “liberty” movement, is however, growing, and those who finally see the road ahead, is shouting it from the roof-tops. Liberty!

Most don’t seem to grasp the gravity of what happened at the GOP in Tampa. The RNC changed the rules at the very last minute, and seated their own representatives, displacing duly elected delegates from each state. They made it impossible for Dr. Paul to be nominated from the floor. It means that we the people no longer have the power to promote change. Never again can a grass-root movement have a voice in the process, and the candidate will be chosen for us without consent. It means we are now complete slaves to the system, without a voice. It is the same reason Obama is now our president.

You told me that the greatest Republican President was Ronald Reagan. If these rules had been implemented just prior to that election Ronald Reagan would not have been nominated, nor would have John F. Kennedy, the greatest Democrat who ever lived. The reason most don’t understand Dr. Paul’s message is because they get all  information from the liberal newspaper, and the black box which is owned and controlled by the same conglomerate media. Only 3 percent of Americans read books, and most of it is fiction… We do not have a free press in America.

America has been betrayed, and yet the majority of people have no inkling of this. We will now have more preemptive war without congressional approval. We will now have socialized medicine along with a welfare state, and it will be called Obamacare or Romnycare. America is now socialistic. The Federal Reserve will continue printing money out of thin air; big government will continue telling the states what to do and many other legislations like TARP will enslave us, and the NDAA and Patriot Act will insure a police state based on the War Act will be permanent, and in the process, due process will no longer exist. Our constitution is now ignored,  and the progressives are trying to legislate, along with the UN, to take away our guns, just like they have done to our allies in EUROPE, and Australia, and because of this there will be not only a violent resistance in America, but in that process a World War 3, as the military industrialist complex, owned by an international banking cartel, will bomb IRAN. Men like me will be dead in the streets or interned in FEMA camps.  And so, as you are my friend, we find ourselves on the opposite side in this conflict. It is a conflict I would and most likely will die to defend, and it is evident that you do not understand the dire gravity of this situation.

I will not submit to anything that tramples on my constitution and bill of rights. When we became  soldiers we made an oath to uphold it. I still remember that Oath, do you? I lived by that oath my entire life, and would die to defend it. Would you? You fought in WW2 to protect America, just as I did in Vietnam, and yet, it was during your generation that Marxism began strangling us from the inside, and even now Americans just doesn’t get it.  They didn’t, because they are too comfortable watching football and propaganda from the black box, too distracted, lulled into complacency, and that was intentional. It is indeed a science. We now live in a totalitarian state, and we the people have no voice left. Your generation did not stand up when it was taken from us, and it is lost.

I have awakened, and some educated youth have too, and yet we are slapped in the face because of it. Belittled in our efforts to take our country back, and our attempts to reinstate the Constitution and Bill of Rights are thwarted by the same people who swore to uphold them. So brain-washed by the mass media, they do not even take the effort to understand it, and I find that a lot to swallow. I am so disappointed, so betrayed by a system that binds my hands, my mind, and my children’s minds, and I am surrounded by ignorant and lazy men and women who polish their collars with pride.

I will not be enslaved, and just as I was prepared to give my life for my country blindly at 19, so will I now risk everything at 63, educated and awake, for the righteous cause of liberty. The Ron Paul supporters comprise just 10 percent of the population, the same percentage that actually fought in the American Revolution. They are so animated because they see the truth of this matter, and the gravity of the situation.

While our oaths were forgotten, our children are now slaves with a 16 trillion dollar debt, with a lost Republic no longer controlled by the people, and the Republic’s rule of law that was implemented by our founders to protect us, is obliterated. We will sir, as a nation, get exactly what we deserve… Abortions on demand paid for with our tax dollars, (where 52 percent of Christians voted for Obama), socialized medicine in a welfare state, the Patriot Act forever that thwarts or liberty and privacy, never ending war to expand imperialism for corporate profit, and the NDAA that strangles our civil rights. All of this, was brought into existence by Romney and other Neocons who voted the same as Obama Progressives, and yes, abortion too. Those who are backing Obama and Romney are the same… Why do you think the NDAA was passed on New year’s night in 2010? When no one was there to vote against it. It is traitorous.

If anyone would actually read the NDAA, or the Patriot Act, it would become evident, but the football season is coming, and dancing with the stars, and most likely they never will. Isn’t that the truth? Here we have a group of enlightened men and women who want to revive our constitution, our bill of rights, and they are maligned! Why? Because they oppose and threaten the corruption that control us, and that sir, threatens trillion siphoned from our blood, sweat and tears, by taxation, and what cannot be stolen from us, is printed out of thin air, two trillion in the last year alone. We cannot even pay for the interest they are charging us, without printing more. Slavery, that is America.

Not realized, that ten percent… is America’s true hope. So far this revolution is of an intellectual nature, with the attempt to reinstate our Republic. If this is not allowed by the powers that be, every other means will be used. If another civil war is to be fought, so be it. I will not have my children enslaved, and if our prior generation would have thought as such, we would not be in this fine mess.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. Thomas Jefferson

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. Thomas Jefferson

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. Thomas Jefferson

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe. Thomas Jefferson

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks. Thomas Jefferson

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. Thomas Jefferson

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Thomas Jefferson

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear. Thomas Jefferson

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson

I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever. Thomas Jefferson

Your friend,

Ken LaRive

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