The sheep in France do not like being led to the Islamic slaughter house. So 700,000 take to the streets to make a stand. Without arms, it is only a dead cat bounce.
David DeGerolamo
France attacks: Huge marches for victims
About 700,000 people are said to have taken part in marches across France following three days of deadly attacks in the Paris area.
They were held in cities including Paris, Orleans, Nice, Pau, Toulouse and Nantes, to commemorate the victims of this week’s violence.
Seventeen people were killed in attacks on a satirical magazine, police officers and a kosher supermarket.
Police are hunting for accomplices of the three gunmen, killed by police.
The interior minister says France will stay on high alert in the coming weeks.
During the marches, held largely in silence, some protesters held banners that read “I am against racism”, “unity”, or “I am Charlie” – the latter a reference to Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine whose Paris offices were attacked by brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi on Wednesday.
there marches mean nothing as long as the government Marxists keep the guns out of the hands of good people. its the government that should be on trial for the murders because of there multi cultural mental retardation, they all should stand trial for the disarmament of the people. the schmucks in the street should be screaming to have there weapons returned to them so they can fight against the islamic murderers the government allowed into the country. the people need to cut the heads off the government leaders. Viva revolution.
I agree with BILL. Unfortunately these are not the last of the dead we will see. The real problem is that for far to long Muslims have been allowed to have their way in what ever society they invade. Our pResident has given them their free reign also. After all he is a muslim and has sold the United States out . He has declared it owned it and proven it and it has been said by his wife and on utube. Now we just like the French and so many countries will be paying the price for our leaders neglect as per usual. There are places in the United States that are muslim “safe zones” also. (Remember Deerborn Michigan’s Nazi population now we have a bigger muslim problem? Maybe the Nazis could be useful for a change, unleash the skin heads on muslims). This whole thing has been allowed to happen for far to long. The Christians and Jews have been attacked continually while the muslims have been given free reign and excessive tolerance. It is time to stop all of it. Let the sheep, cattle and chickens on this Orwellian Animal Farm revolt. Pass out the guns and send some muslims to pick out their 75 virgins. Let the French have their gun rights back. With all that we have to be concerned about in this world and in our lives let’s find a cure for the invasive muslim issue. If not all muslims are bad then let’s find a cure for the ones that are bad. Seems like every where the muslims currently are they have a name for them and it is associated with death.
Storm the Bastillle