The socialization on the Continent has infected the American shores – Mark J. Grant

The equity markets have not panicked yet but I fear that is coming. There is a double edged sword here and both equally able to cut you. The first is that we go over the cliff and nothing happens and stalemate is not averted and we join John Lennon in “Nowhere Land” and hope and prayers give way to loss of faith and the prayers turn from a better day to thoughts that Salvation may not come. The second is that some deal is struck and that the effects of compromise are worse than the original construct. The crux of the problem is at the core of the values of the country. Some people want a more socialized environment where wealth is spread and those that earn pay for the lifestyles of those than do not or cannot while the opposite camp rejects that notion except for a safety net which is far below the desires of the other camp. America is divided and the lines are distinct. The socialization on the Continent has infected the American shores and the “have nots,” larger in numbers, are squared off with the “haves” in a fight to determine the core values of the country.


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