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- Arch Stanton on The FED Made a Huge Mistake
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Having cultivated men and women is a luxury that should not be expected in a culture that doesn’t develop those qualities (femininity/masculinity). It wants workers on the cheap, the uneducated and disenfranchised in its military, with a sprawling religious/medical/political industrial complex mandating such things as the Covid-19 vaccines and its according theater of operations such as on-site vans to inoculate congregations, while in many senses becoming socially irrelevant. It’s becoming redundant hearing ‘where are the men’, and ‘where are the women’, and it’s the same with hearing about heterosexuality. Either find ways to make that work for one’s culture or quit having false expectations, as these things tend to be prescriptive now, based on corporate and institutional edicts.
Where are the men?
Over 80% of the sheriffs have said they will not enforce the illinois “law.”
So once again, there are people standing up and fighting.
man denied God
man denied the Son
man made c- lie -mate change, is but one world stage example.
man thinks God needs Him, rather than the Truth the opposite.
man has moved himself into the temple and has made himself God, just as satan did way back when. we watch for one particular man to do this when a multitude have done this and we seemingly can not see it.
The True temple is within us, and many think that they are now gods.
Only made it to the 17 min. mark.
Off to work.
First they denied YAH-uah
Then they denied the Son Mashiak, Yah-usha
And now man (many) deny the Holy Spirit.
Consequences? we rebel against these also, rather we live in denial.
we have suffered? Have we?
He has been long suffering, are we? Are we praising Him or complaining to Him, about Him, His chastisements, His correction.?
“The ear that hears the reproofs of life.”
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the righteous, both of them alike are an abomination to the Master. … He who justifies the wicked, and he …
Abomination within the temple? Each one of us is a temple.
The New age church, (been here all along) will have you to believe there is no correction, no punishment, no chastisement. A good Father corrects and punishes His children from a point of Love, does he not?
i am in agreement with all of this sermon.