A growing number of scientists are sounding the alarm about the risks of both COVID and its cures

Dr. Paul Marik, the founder and chief scientific officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, and the second-most-published critical care physician in the world, told Tablet that the only substance he’s aware of as toxic as the SARS-CoV-2 spike is cyanide. “Cyanide kills you quickly, spike kills you over a prolonged period of time. It’s truly astonishing the things it does.” Marik thinks that spike is the primary driver of COVID’s virulence, which he saw firsthand while treating severely ill patients during the first wave of the pandemic. “It is the most vicious disease I have ever seen. People have said this is like the flu, and it’s no big deal. Let me tell you … It is an extremely evil disease. It’s difficult to treat. It responds poorly and it kills people slowly over time.”
Veteran viral pathologist Dr. Gerard Nuovo, a retired professor at Ohio State University and an active researcher of COVID-19, was similarly shocked after looking at tissue samples from people who died from the illness. “I said to myself, I have never seen a fatal viral infection with so much viral protein in the target organ, which as you know is the lung.”
Here are some of the things that the spike protein has been found to have the potential to do.
In the cardiovascular system: One segment of spike can signal the cells of blood vessels in the lungs to grow, causing “thickened” vessel walls typical of pulmonary hypertension, a condition that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood into the lungs; that same fragment, S1, can damage the cells which line the inside of every blood vessel in the body including the lungs; can damage the cells in your heart which work in concert with those cells; can cause the heart to become fibrotic; and can, says this 2022 paper, even contribute to the development of myocarditis, an inflammatory condition of the heart muscle which weakens it, and can cause sudden death in recovered patients. The Cleveland Clinic estimates that the survival rate for myocarditis is 80% after one year and 50% after five.
In the blood: Spike can deform our clotting cells—or platelets—sometimes irreversibly activating them; it binds to blood clotting proteins and creates clots that are “structurally abnormal”; it can cause microclots from red blood cells clumping together that deplete blood oxygen levels. David Scheim, an independent researcher who co-authored a study published in December 2022 about those microclots with a team from France’s famed Méditerranée Infection Institute in Marseille, told Tablet that their experiment revealed the red blood cell clumping “is actually visible [to the naked eye], it forms a film so you don’t even need a microscope, you just add the spike to a suspension of red blood cells and you see this clumping.”
In the brain: The S1 fragment of spike has been shown to move straight across the blood brain barrier, the all-important gatekeeper of the brain, in humanized mice. Once it’s in, the spike can damage cells that line the walls of blood vessels in the brain, lead to memory loss, or disrupt the mitochondria of similar brain blood vessel cells, potentially triggering “a more severe form of stroke.” Perhaps more ominously, certain sequences on the S1 portion of the spike are able to bind to amyloid proteins that have been known to cause severe neurological disease. The proteins that spike is able to bind are related to the development of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jacob, an irreversible, and fatal brain disease. Additionally, the spike itself may be considered an amyloid, a misfolded protein that can grow and form fibrous plaques. Think of the 1958 horror classic The Blob, but at a cellular level.
As many of us have been saying for years now, it’s not just the flu, bro. The disease, and the vaccine, are bioweapons that were created with the express intent to kill as many people as possible.
In the beginning of the of the scare (March 2020) I was aware of the HCQ info. I was not in a situation that would cause me to want a Rx and govt. was banning it besides. Bright idea crossed my mind and I stocked up on tonic water. Same ingredients only in smaller quantity. Several times a day I would take a swig and put it back in the fridge. After a couple months I began ordering Ivermectin and keep both in stock. On one occasion I took two days of Iver twice a day to clear up a severe case of congestion. On another occasion I had a bad infected tooth. Took Iver for two days and cleared up the infection. Since then I just keep it handy. I’ve been around folks who got the jab and several have died. I’m fine and jab free. Side note…tonic water is also good for leg cramps.
Well stated Eddie. I’ve done essentially the same thing. Lots of Vitamin C and D, zinc capsules and a supplement called quercetin, which facilitates zinc transport into cells where it kills many viruses. Also lots of quinine water. I haven’t done the ivermectin but will if things get out of hand again.
Your government wants you and yours, DEAD!
First thought is the weapon and the “vaccine” both come from the same side of this war.
The Contagious Covid Kill Shot – Ingredients & Possible Remedies So far…
As of 04/06/23, twenty-two toxic ingredients have been identified in the Covid 19 bioweapon injections – in addition to the chimeric genetic portion that has several of it’s own ingredients. The injections contain many toxic ingredients that are both unique and common across manufacturers and batches.
Medical researchers and industry analysts have decided to call the injections “bio-weapons.” Their reasoning is that if something is present in everything – it was intended to be there and is not random manufacturing contamination. None of the ingredients found so far are safe (or even neutral) for humans. These ingredients are all deadly or toxic to human beings.
The primary trend that is making identification easier, is that many of these ingredients were already in use in laboratories as research specimens for decades. Here are a few examples:
Storage: The cold storage is accomplished with liquid nitrogen. The vials need to be stored at -90 to -60 degrees Celsius (-130 F to -76 Fahrenheit). Ultra-cold freezers and refrigerators must used before mixing and injection. Many of the ingredients discovered by medical researchers did not appear in the vials, until they began to crystallize and/or assemble at room temperature, under microscope lights, or at specific electromagnetic frequencies.
Patents: The actual Spike Proteins that are being injected are patented (separate from the injection patents) by Geovacs with royalty agreements with Pfizer, Moderna, J&J CoVac, etc. These patents are from 2015 – 2016 and there are hundreds of them. [Note: Vials examined in 2023 were nearly pure Spike Proteins and deadly substances… and did not contain any actual SarsCov2 complete mRNA sequences.]
Here are the ingredients discovered by researchers and patent analysts through chemical and patent analysis, and actual US federal agency announcements:
Nano & Micro Tech / Bio-Synthetic Organisms:
For the whole document, e-mail: allcomm1@protonmail.com
Which of these clinical symptoms are NOT present in serious flu/cold infections? I am not concerned about the virus. I am concerned about the nature of the illness. The flu/cold spectrum affects the heart, the lungs, and other organs, and sometimes kills people, in its serious and atypical versions. How is covid unique?! I keep asking on the interwebs, and nobody answers.
Please consider reading the article as I posted the link toward the bottom and again here. The article contains a significant number of references and articles that can very easily answer this question. Like the flu, SARS-CoV2 is extremely virulent, but killed a much greater number of people than a typical flu during the same period of time. Perhaps you have heard that most people who died initially died because of comorbidities. Yes. BTW, that is ALSO true of the flu, but again, the numbers of deaths initially from Sars-CoV2 were significantly higher.
The bottom line is that the more times you get this disease (and you CAN get it multiple times), the greater the risk. Couple that with the “vaccine” and you have increased your risk way beyond even remotely acceptable levels. I will NOT get “vaccinated” and everyone should do their very best not to get this disease, and especially do not get it again if you already have had it. Obviously the “vaccine” is deadly, but so is the disease. Unfortunately the damage from the spike protein takes longer to present, therefore making it more difficult to pin the chronic illnesses and eventual deaths on Sars-CoV2.
I appreciate your answer. Will study the article more closely, and the links. Just quickly, though… there have been flu epidemics where the deaths were much higher than normal. Eg. in 1995, in central Europe. Or 1957, or 1968 Hongkong flu. Some flu seasons have been much more deadly than others. How is covid different as an illness? You say “deaths were initially significantly higher.” Higher than what? Higher than a typical flu season or higher than an atypical (much stronger) flu season? And if the first and not the second, again, no difference I can discern.
I have studied it. I see it as fear porn. Spike spike spike! The Blob! Cyanide! Mixing info on covid vs covid vaccines. Many other issues with the article. I don’t think this sort of reporting ought to be taken seriously.
The only “pandemic” the world faced in 2019, was one of FEAR.
Scare Folks enough, and they’ll inject anything into themselves.
I’m more convinced than ever before: COVID 19 was, and still is nothing more than a Psy-Op.
Were all the referenced cases the “unvaccinated”? Maybe it’s in there somewhere……with shedding dose it matter? Otherwise I’m with the Gen!
Wait a minute, I thought from the genius comments in the other recent thread that there is no such thing as the SARS-CoV2 virus. (Eye roll). The virus is real folks, even if there was a bunch of BS surrounding it. In all my years, I’ve never seen so many people I know lose loved ones over an effing cold or the flu.
90 Miles From Tyranny, Watch first video if you think the DOD and PLA are enemy’s.