The Stench and Corruption of the Deep State Includes “Good People”

The real quote by Edmund Burke:

“No man, who is not inflamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united Cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

Bad men and women did combine to achieve power by overthrowing the Constitution in all three branches of government. The FBI and Department of Justice cannot admit to or bring charges against themselves without exposing the complicity of the Obama administration and the extent of the corruption. So the supposed “good” rank and file of the FBI should not be disparaged for the actions of “a few”.  This logic is not only wrong, it will compound the coming consequences as public pressure builds and government credibility plummets.

As much as I admire the achievements of President Trump in such a short time frame, he is in charge of the executive branch. That includes the Department of Justice and the FBI. If the DOJ does not release requested information to the Congressional oversight committee, the President can and should order their release under the power granted to him by the Constitution. If the DOJ states that the information is classified, then the President can and should review it. If he considers the information not to be secret, top secret or confidential, he should remove the classification and order the release of the information.

The DOJ is acting outside of their authority by defying Congress. Why is Paul Ryan not using his authority as Speaker of the House to call for a vote to impeach Rod Rosenstein? Since Jeff Sessions recused himself from some of the investigations regarding the President under false reasoning, why does he not unrecuse himself and remove the evil in both the DOJ and the FBI? As for the Director the FBI, Christopher Wray fell right into lockstep with the Deep State by “assuring” the people that the Inspector General’s report showed no political bias.

At some point, the good will combine “else they will fall, one by one“. I thank the framers of the Bill of Rights for the 2nd Amendment. I have no doubt that if we were unarmed, we would not even have the few semblances of freedom left. We are at the crossroads for the future of the Republic: the Great Experiment will fall unless it is defended.

David DeGerolamo

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