Representative Larry G. Pittman
North Carolina General Assembly
House of Representatives
1010 Legislative Building
16 W. Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096
The US Supreme Court finally overturned Roe vs. Wade last week. That is wonderful, but should never have been necessary. Roe was horrid and unconstitutional. The issue should never have been taken out of the hands of the States. It was just one more example of federal overreach.

Unfortunately, a lot of people do not understand the meaning of this new ruling. Many leftists are going bananas, claiming that this ruling makes abortion illegal immediately. If only that were true! Some pro-life people are also overreacting, and claiming that it is a much greater victory than it is. I have seen posts on Facebook from pro-life people who seem to think the battle for life is over. I wish it were so.

Instead, the struggle continues. Some States had the foresight to pass “trigger laws” so that as soon as Roe vs. Wade was overturned, abortion would automatically become illegal or severely restricted in their States. Some States will double down and move to make abortion even more entrenched than it already is.

Sadly, in North Carolina, abortion was legalized in 1969, four years before the Roe vs. Wade decision. With Roe gone, abortion is still legal up to 20 weeks (five months) after fertilization. Even if this restricts abortions after five months of pregnancy, it is still disgraceful. There is also the fraudulent “life of the mother” exception, which will no doubt be used to justify abortions even after the 20-week limit. This situation is entirely unacceptable. Those who actively seek an end to legal abortion still have much work to do. 

In 2021, I introduced HB 158 Constitutional Amendment / Life at Fertilization. If this bill were to pass, the citizens of North Carolina would get to vote on this proposed amendment to our State Constitution in the next election. If this amendment were enacted by the voters, the State of North Carolina would finally acknowledge the inescapable fact that the life of a new and separate human person begins at the moment of fertilization and should be protected from that moment until natural death. This amendment would outlaw the willful destruction of any innocent human being at any stage of life and would subject the perpetrator of such an act to the laws against murder already in place. I am not just pro-life; I am an abortion abolitionist. I call on all decent citizens, especially Christians, in our State to join me in this effort to defend God’s gift of life for all innocent human beings.

When I offered this bill last year, Speaker Tim Moore said right away that there was no need to hear it because Governor Cooper would veto it. I had to correct that erroneous statement. The Governor cannot veto a constitutional amendment. It would be up to the citizens of this State.

Speaker Moore refused to let the bill be heard, so I filed a discharge petition to bring the bill immediately to the floor without a committee hearing. The Speaker moved the bill to a different committee. I had to wait ten legislative days and refile the discharge petition. Again, the Speaker moved the bill to another committee. After another ten-day wait, I filed the petition a third time, and asked him not to move the bill again. He did not. This discharge petition is good until the Legislature adjourns sine die this year. I have to have the signatures of 61 members of the NC House on this discharge petition to have the bill come up for a vote. So far, I only have a few. Please contact your Representative in the NC House of Representatives, and urge him or her to sign this discharge petition and support the bill. Please also contact Speaker Tim Moore and express your support for this effort to acknowledge and defend the sanctity of every innocent human life, born and unborn.  This is my last chance to get this done, as I will be leaving the NC House at the end of this year. However, if it doesn’t get done this year, I will not surrender the fight for life, the most basic human right of all. Please join me in the struggle.

God be with us all,

Rep. Larry G. Pittman

h/t Publius Huldah

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2 years ago

It sure ain’t easy. Maybe the folks who want abortion need to be aborted.

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Easy resolution, treat them for what they are.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

Unfortunately, this gamesmanship is the normal behavior in all of our governmental bodies. Here in OK this year, we had a good, concerned representative, Rick West, who tried to get a bill passed making it a right to grow a vegetable garden. It was two sentences long. This was especially important for the food shortages and people in cities who normally are restricted by HOAs and rental agreements from growing vegetables. The Speaker of the House ultimately moved it into the Rules Committee which is where bills go to die. It did. That was tomato and squash plants! The abortion issue is still so politically hot that the managers (House Speakers and Senate Leaders) deem it necessary to tamp down, obfuscate, and humiliate anyone daring to finally risk speaking the truth. Remember, individual politicians wither under criticism which is a very powerful tool when used correctly. It is time for all God-fearing Americans to use their voice to call out names and criticize publicly any politician who is standing in the way of moral right. I realize that what is moral is not necessarily legal but that line of argument has landed us at the bottom of the slippery slope. Every news outlet, every comment opportunity, every conversation is an opportunity to reclaim territory. I am not a citizen of NC, but I know letters from beyond the state line have the effect of making recalcitrant politicians feel a little naked when they realized a lot of people they don’t know, or control are talking about their individual actions. I will speak out and send letters. God bless this effort.

2 years ago

Don’t get too excited…This might not be about abortion at all, but vaccine mandates…Who needs abortion when people can’t reproduce?.
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3 reasons that the Dems secretly wanted RvWade to be overturned:

  1. It removes federal protection of bodily rights. If you remember… during the beginning of mandates, the protest chant was “my body, my choice”. Eliminating one’s federal protection of bodily autonomy eliminates this legal defense to mandates.
  2. Once states have the power to control the body, it is their hope that they will strategically place democratic governors in conservative strongholds. Rural areas are dictated to by the urban areas that vote for the governor, and urban areas tend to lean left. NC is the perfect example of this.
  3. Since Dems tend not to vote unless emotionally triggered, it provides emotional motivation to get them out there to vote for the gubernatorial elections about to take place. Conservatives are jaded by the lack of movement on the 2020 steal and are less likely to vote, believing that it doesn’t matter anymore. This sets the stage for them not to have to cheat because of the psychological manipulation on both sides.

You gotta think outside the box to consider the many manipulations taking place right now and prepare accordingly.

Last edited 2 years ago by THINKoutsidethebox
2 years ago

Thank you for this news. Not only will I comment here but plan on calling Tim Moore and Larry Pittman today to offer my support.