The Symbol of the Political Elite

People tend to fool themselves. It makes what passes for their reality more palatable. It also makes it easy to exploit them.

As an example, the government is composed of two diametrically opposed political parties which seemingly do a dance with the people to switch which party is in power. The reality is that there is only one political party composed of a ruling elite class.

People living in a state of normalcy bias will not acknowledge that a problem even exists: everything will work out. People who understand that something is wrong have several options. I will not pretend to know which option is the best for someone else; I look to God for guidance for my path.

I encourage everyone to discuss their own options and build communities. I do not encourage people to continue to vote for the lesser of two evils which is still evil. I believe that the politicians who have destroyed our country have no intention of fixing what they have wrought. I understand that people do not want to leave their comfort zone and stand up. I understand that people want to be led. These are not the qualities that created our country and they will not restore our country or free our children. 

Whenever I am asked by someone for my opinion on whom they should vote for, I consistently give the following answer:

People died for you to be able to cast your vote. If you value your vote so little that you would base on someone else’s recommendation, then you should not vote.

What does this say about organizations which endorse candidates to “guide” their membership? More than one year in advance of an election?

For those people who like to cast their vote based on their own research and beliefs, I suggest this information on the North American Community before casting a vote for Ted Cruz.

David DeGerolamo


Asheville Tea PAC Endorses Senator Ted Cruz

2016 Candidate for United States President

Hendersonville, NC, 4:00P.M.:  Senator Ted Cruz has received the Asheville Tea PAC (ATPAC) endorsement for the 2016 election for United States President.

Senator Ted Cruz’s staunch commitment to Constitutional authority is evidenced in his proven voting record.  Undaunted and undeterred by even those in his own party, he has remained resolute in the defense of the principles Asheville Tea PAC embraces:   individual rights, limited government, fiscal responsibility and free markets.

Asheville Tea PAC is dedicated to bringing the people back into the election process by their participation to replace compromised incumbents with good men and women who commit to Constitutional authority.   We focus on finding principled candidates, vetting, endorsing, and campaigning to get them elected.  We then hold them accountable.

Asheville Tea PAC also stands with fellow citizens across the state and their North Carolina TEA Party Constitutional Caucus majority vote for Senator Ted Cruz for United States President.  Asheville Tea PAC proudly endorses a true champion of freedom and liberty – Senator Ted Cruz, 2016 candidate for United States President.


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