You thought Democrats were going to dump Biden for Gavin Newsom, but they're not. They're backing Nikki Haley instead.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 3, 2024
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Its too obvious -- particularly with Vivek shouting this from the rooftops at every opportunity. She does not come across as strong enough for most Americans. She can split a primary ticket maybe, but not win outright. The RNP might dare to nominate her instead of Trump notwithstanding primary voting results, but that might be very hard to pull off as well, and could possibly be challenged as election interference.
Still -- the DS would be succeeding in causing more chaos and division, which to them is a useful goal in its own right.
They will not give up the power they stole, TINVOWOOT. The violence and intimidation will come at their hands, I think it will be much worse than the 2020 steal. I believe there is no way of stopping CW, what do you think antifa and blm and the rest of their shock troops have been doing, they are training and planning.
VOTE: 308 & FREEDOM The only vote they can’t ignore.
That is the only vote I will cast.
I submit that Tucker is wrong. With Nikki Haley being against Israel and pro-Palestinian, the American people will not allow or accept her nomination.
We don’t need any Palestinians here. We have enough terrorists already being filtered in through our southern border.
I just read that Nikki Haley is not eligible to be President (or, therefore, VP) because neither of her parents were US citizens when she was born. Has anyone else heard that?
Barak Obama
The Kenyan Muslim…..
The Constitution doesn’t appear to limit the Vice Presidency with ‘natural born’ criteria. But if you read carefully, it does suggest (to me at least) that Kamala Harris cannot ascend to POTUS. Since Biden is illegitimate anyway, it’s doubtful such details are relevant anymore. And then there is the case of Marco Rubio (born in Florida to parents who were visiting the USA on a Visa). And what about Ted Cruz, born in Canada, to a Cuban Father and an American mother (who I’ve read voted in Canadian elections as if she were a Canadian citizen). When Ted Cruz was born, Canada did not allow dual citizenship. They all aspired to POTUS. That said, If Niki Haley is on the Republican ticket in any capacity, many I’ve spoken to have said they simply won’t vote in 2024 in the Federal part of the election.
Might be the perfect time to encourage a peaceful rebellion. What would it look like if on 11/5/24, Trump is not on the ballot, for whatever reason, and it becomes Biden vs. Haley, the mass of the people turn to the write-in section and vote for NOTA -- None Of The Above? Wouldn’t it be a thrill to watch NOTA win the Electoral College? Just a rambling thought from a man accused by some of being a FED but is actually a true patriot that loves the USA. (Hey MADDMAXX, you reading this?)
Write in’s are illegal in some places. You just become a spoiled ballot, but then again why vote, we know that doesn’t work. The ballot box and a couple others are exhausted, one left though.
The democrats have their fingers in the pie. Anything to disrupt Trump’s efforts.
So far, lies and “lawfare” haven’t worked. They want to imprison Trump, but have been unsuccessful. I see only two other options left for the Marxists -- either a monumental crisis like a war or financial collapse that would be used to cancel the 2024 election or, the assassination of Trump.
If they do assassinate Trump, it will be civil war. Personally, I believe civil war is what they want.
Federal Agencies Are Arming Themselves To ELIMINATE The 4th Amendment! -- American Partisan
Anyone pretending that we will not soon/eventually be facing worse than stasi, worse than brown shirts, worse than kgb or feg is blind, stupid or both.
Yep, blind, stupid or both.
The globalists just might allow Trump to take office to take the pressures off themselves and from the corrupted elections brought to us by the democratic party and the nazi jew globalists who are controlling our bureaucracy. They won’t be able to stop the massive voting even from democrats for Trump and I believe they are fully aware of this, and they won’t be able to cheat enough with their fraudulent fake votes to stop Trump. I am not saying this will happen, but it’s a great possibility it can. There is too much noise, heat and spotlights on this election cycle and with the 9 million new Biden arrivals of illegal aliens destroying Blue Cities across the United States the democratic voter has had it with rampant crime, murder, theft. Rape, etc.; I believe every democrat voter has had with their leadership for a time due to these reasons.
2028 is the real fight.
Repugs have fought the short game to our peril. Look how fast O’bizo undid Trump’s 4 years- in months.
Need a ‘Long Game’ strategy…ie. 12 years.
VA Lt.Gov. Winsome Sears as his VP. Former Marine…to reform the ‘pentagram’…and 8 years as the 1st Black female prez.
Musta touched a nerve with da ‘fedbois’ and Jebsters/NeoCons.
Oh well…Peter Strzok…is that you?
silly, America won’t be here in 12 years if the demonrats aren’t stopped now.
Haley is TOXIC. And that’s without bringing in her totalitarian/tyrannical demand for full identification (when commenting) on social media/online news platforms.
Will she send a bunch of kukri sword-carrying Sikhs to my home if I criticize “Nimrata”?
And, she’s even worse than Biden because she purports to be on the Right--and BETRAYAL is a greater harm than incompetence.
Recall also that she never completed her two prior employs*: U.N. Ambassador and Governor of SC (and in the latter position, was fine with the elimination of the Confederate flag and many Southern statues).
Haley is TOXIC.
*Why? For the MONEY. She left those positions because they could not make her a multimillionaire; plus, she was grooming up to run for the whole ball of wax. The arrogant creature believes that she is the answer to America’s needs. Meh.
Nikki is a schill for the MIC, follow the money, in this case campaign money!
Bracken calls her “heels up” haley in respect to her dutiful, literal whoring for the MIC.
Related to this post, I just listened to a Paul Craig Roberts interview by Larry Saprano. Roberts stated that Robert Kagan, Nuland’s spouse, stated they will have to whack Trump if…
In my neck of nh, i dont see many nicki haley posters etc.
yet she is suppose to be “the one” (our gov is a simpleton tds idiot-RINO)
perhaps folks aren’t putting things in there yard the way they use too out of fear, caution…
but i see very few. I see a heck of alot more trump than haley for sure!!
imo, we are being played.
Ref-Dems voting for haley in the primaries.
i have never been and am not into politics enough to do something like help get a weak politician into a slot only to then turn against them and vote for “my guy” (other party)
i play straight up.
WYS is WYG with me.
I dont “Test” people either with “statements” or opinions.
again WYS is WYG.
guess i’m naive.