The Taliban Thanks Joe Biden

16,000 pairs of night vision googles left by Joe Biden in Afghanistan. Don’t you wish you had one of these?

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Great, now the technology can be shared with the CCP and Russia if they don’t have it already. China will provide all the batteries and other supplies needed to keep the gifts from the Biden cabal running.
Now I must go and wipe the anger generated foam from my lips.

3 years ago

The Biden regime is in complete violation of ITAR laws..LoL.. like that matters to them…—…

3 years ago

The irony. This dumbfuck, who babbles incoherency and shits himself in the WHITEHOUSE daily, and lectures us about gun control, leaves enough military hardware in Affy that guarantees some of it will be used on US, someday. And, now, they have the foresight to say “because of our great fuckup in Afghanistan, there is a real possibility that white supremacists will attack the federal government. ”
Federal government is a fuckin misnomer because they can’t govern a sandbox filled with catshit let alone a nation. And that’s on a good day. Put Biden in charge? Well, we all see where that has gotten us: no respect from other countries, no respect from the voters, no respect from the soldier, and no respect for ourselves. We are not the shining city on the hill anymore. We are the trash filled alley, littered with hypodermic needles, trash, and rapes in progress. We are a fuckin embarrassment to the world, but mostly, to ourselves. A country is a reflection of its leader. And We are leaderless.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

“A country is a reflection of it’s leader.” And Obama is the Shadow Resident. The War on the US is Traitorous and Intentional, not incompetence or accidental. The Bolshevik democRat Coup continues unabated by the spineless, Quisling Repubs.
CYA, it’s just beginning to get nasty.

3 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Thanks to Odumbo and Soros . Soros’s ass should have been eliminated years ago before he was allowed to cause all this shit within America. !!!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

And by damn you got that shit right !!!!!!

3 years ago

I couldn’t afford those in a good year! What a monumental screwup. And sadly, all this is by design so no one will be fired. BHO, the Muslims best friend. (Cause old Joe isn’t running shit in this country)

3 years ago
Reply to  pnoldguy

We couldn’t get those at any price, or their rifles either.

3 years ago

If the tubes are turned on in daylight for any prolong period of time it can damage the device. Lets hope they don’t read the manuals.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  Skipperdaddy

Manuals? We don’t need no stinkin’ manuals.
Hope you are right.

3 years ago

Well some of the stuff the Chinese or russians have that are equivalent in technology. But the helicopters, weapons and the radios that have encryption with S3 clearance that would the the problem. Now could Old Biden be charged with the Logan act, after all he is not legally the president. This was a illegal arms deal plan and simple.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago

even if you guys had em you still wouldn’t do anything with them.

Last edited 3 years ago by fed poast
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago

Quit moaning about the withdrawal. What about the origional invasion? On the Tony Snow show 3/29/06, former Vice President Cheney said that no proof of Bin Laden’s involvement has ever been forthcoming! Wait, what? They told us 9/11 had Bin Laden’s fingerprints all over it. When the Taliban asked for evidence in order to turn him over, we supplied none. We invaded them.
These sociopaths told us years later that they fooled us. There was no apology and certainly no withdrawal with this brave burst of honesty by Cheney. One of the traits of sociopaths is that they want you to know at some point that they got one over on you. Small wonder after telling us there was no evidence pointing at Bin Laden that they knew the plandemic would be a breeze.