The Technology to Program Our DNA

I have a strong background in molecular biology and genetics. CRISPR is the most terrifying technology that we have ever faced.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Gen. Early

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3 years ago

we’re fighting demons, principalities and powers of satan, not flesh and blood. we must fear Yahwah, repent and cry out for him to destroy this evil

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I agree, David. It appears to me that the threat of the CRISPR technology is going to come full blown because ‘people’ are more than willing to try it. Whether it is Elon Musk’s vision of inserting his Neuro-Link into teenager’s head’s at the ear piercing kiosk in the mall, or eagerly seeking ‘the jab’ laced with nano bots engineered to alter the DNA, people in general view the latest technology like wearing a Rolex. I have sought out scientific articles on these tech developments for years. However, generally speaking, no one, other than other cerebrals, really cares. I suspect it will take individual people suffering incredible losses or changes to their bodies with no compensation in appearance or intellect for serious resistance to take form. If CRISPR significantly deforms or makes visible monsters, then maybe there will be enough suspicion to stop it being marketed wholesale.
The public naivete concerning the DNA altering technologies reminds me of breast implants when they first came out except in the case of genetic engineering, there is no hope of recovery.

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

If you’re quiet you can just hear the sounds of hoofs and the smell of horses. We are that close.

Eddie Hnatko
Eddie Hnatko
3 years ago

It was once thought that mythology mirrored the human spirit through story telling much as did the likes of Aesop’s Fables. It was considered the science fiction of the day as were the stories of Jules Verne and Mary Shelley and later George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. The true nature of early mythology is rooted in reality as opposed to modern science fiction. All early cultures were witness to remarkable events as evidenced in the bible that we take as gospel truth – the only difference being that we think of the bible as factual and relegate all other records to myth. The bible explicitly states there is nothing new under the sun and that whatever we perceive to do has already been done. You may call them angels or aliens, but the fact of the matter is that they interact with man. And throughout the ages man has been schooled (so to speak) in the various aspects of science and technology – some for good and some for evil. The bible predicts the nature of man’s advancing knowledge into the pit of despair. We know undeniably that experiments have been conducted to understand and further evil intentions. Mind control experiments of the many decades past have reached new highs. Whenever you read or hear of a false flag involving a patsy, think in terms of mind control. It used to be accomplished using propaganda, hypnosis and drugs. We still use them along with indoctrination. There was a time several decades back when it was advertised that one could sleep learn; and it was somewhat effective. Coercion and intimidation are also effective means of manipulation. What you see in this video is very real and not something to ignore as fantasy. We have progressed to the point that (as Satan said) we can become like the gods (whom are not gods at all but deceivers and evil). Do not take this video lightly. I have dropped some recipients from the list as I know they will find this over the top. This is a keeper video.  

kathleen foster
kathleen foster
3 years ago

The arrogance of man to think that they can interfere with God’s creation of perfection nd make it better will be the downfall of humankind

Last edited 3 years ago by kathleen foster
3 years ago

These vaccines are kill shots -- it might be instant, it could be 2 weeks, or it could be two years, but the moment those Mrna molecules begin to sweep through a flesh and blood body, they will cause auto immune disorders, cancer, mayhem, it’s horrific what they are doing and those who know what they that are doing this are going to hell.
Remember GMOs? It was merely a test market for the cross pollination of flesh and blood, as satan’s end goal is to create trans humans, part metal, part flesh, and hook up the brain to the ” cloud” . . .as you may recall Moses, followed the ” cloud” during the day, the fire at night.  
There is nothing new under the sun, but the technology of demonic men and women get more potent as men refuse to fear their maker.  We get hints of just how close we are to the end, when we look at two particular scriptures. One in the song of Moses 
 Deut. 32:21 21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.
Robots aren’t people.  our society is just now introducing all sorts of robots,  but there will be robots -- and in deed there already are -- that will be sexual in nature, and that jealousy will grow intense. 
The other scripture is found in Daniel 2: 33 -- 35  This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,
33 His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay.
34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.
The antichrist is not a man,  it is Artificial Intelligence, made of silicon, gold silver and other elements programmed by demons and men. .  the buying and selling will be controlled by your cell phone, your biometric iris scan, -- which will also be used to see your organs -- your voice print, fingerprint, all things biometric. don’t take any selfies or any image of a man or woman. it breaks the second commandment. 
We are in the end days. And unless America repents, I mean repents,  -- we are doomed to a Chinese invasion sooner than later.  Fearing Yahwah means knowing his real name, knowing his real calendar and keeping his commandments.   
There is hope, always always always, but we must repent and not depend on greasy grace, from dumb dogs who cannot bark.
Lots of information also here, personal experience --  beautiful memories and miracles, which can still happen.
May we all learn to fear our maker, whose name is the sound of our breath and heartbeat. Yahwah.

3 years ago

How many people that have died from the Jab, also used “23 and me” or other “Ancestry tracing” “services”?
Anyone start to put this possible correlation together?

3 years ago

It’s terrifying alright. And I don’t have a history of knowledge under this issue. On its face it is terrifying. Not to mention that I also saw something on the web about hybrid human beings and monkeys. I think that was Forbidden Knowledge. If it’s true this too is terrifying. The first question is why???? We’ve gotten to the point that our technological and scientific ability far exceeds our morality.