BARNHARDT AXIOM #3: If full-on kinetic World War 3 breaks out, the worst possible outcome for humanity would be that the former-US/Washington DC regime win.
h/t WRSA
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BARNHARDT AXIOM #3: If full-on kinetic World War 3 breaks out, the worst possible outcome for humanity would be that the former-US/Washington DC regime win.
h/t WRSA
The devil worshipping babylonians’ plan is to use china to destroy the west, including America. Which is why our arms have been given freely (and then lost track of) to ukraine, why the taliban benefitted for the US’s arms for islamic terrorists program, why patriots are no longer welcome in the military and why wokeness is more important that fitness and expertise in the US military now. Khommunism-the political arm of satanism-must win now in the minds of the talmudian freakshow that is the NWO.
I am not sure they need China to do it. The west is committing suicide on its own.
If this is world wide Spiritual warfare, and it is. DC is not the heart of the beast. And Ann, Islam is also not the root of this world wide evil.
The worlds utter defiance to Yahweh, is the heart of the matter. Many of us still deny Him each and every day, many with out even realizing this simple Truth!
Ann is a tremendous woman. However, she just can’t get past any 9/11 truth that absolves the Muslims. She can’t get past any truth of weather warfare. She can’t get past any truth regarding the origin of the false doctrine of the trinity.
She is a example of accepting what a person has to give, learn from their areas of expertise and move on. I’ve learned a lot from her regarding narcissists and sociopaths. I’ve tried to expand her awakening but she would have none it. Still admire her.
i agree that she is entitled to her view. And agree that she also would benefit from listening to others.
I agree with her assessment on all three points as well as Islam must be destroyed and all who side with it.