The Time to Learn How to Hunt for Survival is Now

Depositphotos_14110800_xsImagine pulling up to your local grocery store after work. You are surprised to find the parking lot empty. Curious, you walk in to investigate only to find all the fresh produce, milk, and other perishable aisles are empty. Even the canned foods have been wiped clear of the shelves. You frantically search through aisle after aisle only to realize all the food in the store has vanished.

Signs of the Times

It may sound like a bad dream, but it may not be too far away. Federal Reserve chairperson Ben Bernanke recently announced that the central bank would not taper its 85 billion dollar a month bond buying program, aka quantitative easing. The chairperson admitted that he went back on his word due to disappointing economic growth from the United States economy. This has led leading economists to believe that there is another financial crash soon.

With the Federal Reserve deliberately devaluing the U.S. currency, prices will continue to rise due to inflation. Commodities like oil, gold, and even food will rise. This may cause a currency crisis similar to what happened in Germany after World War I. What will happen when a loaf of bread costs $500? People will be left to their own devices. Do not be caught off guard.

Why you need a hunting safety course

There is no better way to learn how to hunt then to get out into the wilderness. However, there is much to be gained from a hunting safety course.

Although not all states require a certificate, it is still a good idea for educational purposes. The International Hunter Education Association holds all the requirements for each state. The good news is that a hunter certification is good in all 50 states.

Most people only need to take a class once, and that is why many students are children or immigrants. A great way to get certified is with an online hunting safety course. Over 30,000 people get their hunting certification in Texas alone. Here are a few things that you get with an online hunting safety course:

  • Hunting safety
  • Outdoor safety and awareness
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Hunter responsibility
  • Hunting opportunities

Preserving Meat

Hunting is not the most complicated activity in the world. This doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it’s fairly straightforward: you point and shoot. Preparing food is another story. In a world where refrigeration and supermarkets have evaporated, you will need to know how to preserve your food.

There are many different ways to preserve meat without refrigeration. One such way is salting/curing meat. This is a simple process that can be done with just a few common products.

1. Select your meat.

2. Rinse the meat with room temperature water to avoid cooking it.

3. Dry the meat with a clean towel.

4. Apply unsalted herbs and spices for flavor and possibly preservation.

5. Rub salt thoroughly into the meat. Cover the meat with an entire layer of salt. This kills bacteria and prevents its further reproduction.

6. Hang your meat in a room. Set the temperature to 59 degrees Fahrenheit, and let it air dry for about three weeks. Be sure to check the meat every few days to make sure it’s not rotting.

7. When you are ready to eat the meat, wash it with running water to get rid of excess salt. Then cook and enjoy.

Keith Hodges

Keith enjoys shooting skeet and trap on the weekends and coaching people who are new to guns and shooting.

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11 years ago

Lets be realistic. If the economy tanks and grocery stores are all empty it won’t be
six months before every game animal worth hunting has been taken. After that the
only thing left to hunt will be other hunters.

fed up
fed up
11 years ago

Dan, I agree that the game will be mostly gone. That is why you / we need to learn how to preserve our meat before the game is gone. I have been looking at building a smoker that, until then, I will use as a chicken coup. Getting ready now is the key to the future.
Where I live there is lots of deer. Where I live there is also lots of deer hunters. Where I live there is lots of people that don’t believe in prepping or believe the government will continue to take care of them. They will be the first to starve or come asking for hand outs. Lord forbid they try to take what we have. The air will stink of rotting flesh. How about you and where you live?