“The Trump Administration is a Military Intelligence Sting Operation” – all in a Nutshell


h/t Lin Wood on Parler

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4 years ago

The SES managing all of our U.S. Agencies…Queen’s Privy Counsel…Trump trying to fire the SES criminal foreign perps…If he gets another 4 years he will get it done! D.C. is Criminal Cabal!! Time to get serious. YouTube removed everything…time to move to brighten or lbry…get it?

Virgil Caine
Virgil Caine
4 years ago

The more things deteriorate, people get desperate to find hope. During this time, we become more vulnerable to believe fairy tales. Why? Because we cannot face the reality of something so dark. It is the ultimate coping mechanism. I watched the video and really wanted to believe it myself, but I realized not looking at reality and recognizing what these people want, is what got us here to begin with. The best advise I can give, is to know these people have gained power. They know what makes us tick and how we are vulnerable. Hard times are coming our way. I am certain when Americans become really aware of what TPTB have in store for us, we will put up resistance. It is unlikely we will be successful. The enemy has been gaming every scenario for decades. I do not believe they would put all their chips in the pot unless they felt confident their plan would succeed. Prepare in every way you can. Think food, water, self defense and do not have everything in one location. You can only make one stand at your home. If you are able to fight them off, it will be hours before they return with a more imposing force. When they return, you had better be at your secondary location. Best of luck to everyone and I hope we are having discussions on this blog five years from now. God Bless!

4 years ago

Very insightful vid. As someone who started out fighting the banking cabal back in 07/08, I have seen many of these moves made by the deep state and have also done my part to bring them to light.

I am not a Q follower, however the Q details he brings up I am not discounting. At this point, everything is on the table to discern. I can say that as someone who has been red-pilling others since “The Great Recession”, what transpired and what was witnessed on January 6th into the early hours of the 7th in 2021, WAS THE GREATEST RED PILL anyone could ask for to bring massive fire for effect against the deep state cabal. Finally, many are fully AWAKE.

There are clearly 2 distinct paths now. 1, the counter operation / counter revolution carries through and Trump as well as The Republic is saved. OR 2, the “empire” strikes back and it’s on the Patriot citizen’s hands to go CQB which we would rather not see but everyone is ready to make that jump.

Wait and see. It’s been a 12+ year fight for me. What is another 11 days to see what transpires.
No desperation on my account. The holy spirit has led me on this journey. My soul is ready either way the pendulum swings….

4 years ago

Sounds good to those that want to hear this. In reality, it is still a wait and see game. There has been NO surrender from either side to date. I have been gas lighted to many times in my life. That said, I pray to God he is true. I would like to live the last of my life out in the country my ancestors fought for.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

i do not believe we are going to see a surrender, for quit some time if ever.

4 years ago

So if what he’s saying is true and there’s an ‘operation’ at hand, then why are they allowing it to be broadcast explaining all to them and us? Loose lips sink ships.

4 years ago
Reply to  Oma

Just watched on youtube the video he recommended. My question here is with YT, FB, Twitter, Parlor, etc. controlling freedom of speech, how is it this is still playing? Trust the plan?! Hmmmm. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

4 years ago

I’ve been a casual Q follower and I first heard Scott when I stumbled on to Monkeywerx US. But I can tell you if this guy is on the money this will be epic and world changing.
On a side note the president in supposed to be in McAllen TX on Tuesday for a border wall visit. McAllen is a little over a hours flight time from Dyess AFB.

Common Sens
Common Sens
4 years ago
Reply to  Eaglekeeper

There is no such thing as a “casual Q follower”.
You are pathologically stupid, a straight-up DumbFuck
of infinite proportions.

lon haney
lon haney
4 years ago
Reply to  Common Sens

Common sens ,
(not so much)
well then many of us are as you describe. and you have shown us your colors also.
Shall we all just affix blinders on?

4 years ago

If I can find this information don’t you think the corupt people in office can too? I don’t think it’s much of a secret. It probably would have been a great plan if it had stayed on the downlow.