The Truth Starts to Unfold

Let’s be clear: Joe Biden is little more than a Chinese prop with dementia. The information put out in the first segment of the above video makes it clear that Communist China is controlling the Deep State government and Wall Street. What is the penalty for selling out your country for thirty pieces of silver? They sold out our country, our children’s freedom, our culture and our religion for more power, but really they sold out for money.

The concept of a target rich environment in a hot civil war should be a grave cause of distress for our politicians, media outlets, social media platforms and wall street financiers. True Americans will never accept a China Joe regime. I usually do not talk in absolutes since most situations are flexible. Stealing an election, genetically engineering a pandemic and manipulating our government with traitors are sufficient for war; that is an absolute. Whether our future is a world war or a civil war, do not forget who is responsible.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

Ya,China is behind it all,along with the Traitor in our government,going back to George Bush sr and all the rest that have sold us out to China,my guess is that China not going to wait around for us to deliver a first strike,from my info they are planning on beating us to the punch. They don’t have a choice,after what they have done against America. I’m afraid that we are in very,very dangerous times,Seek God,while you can.

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

Anyone who has seriously studied the Chinese culture over the centuries is sure to see many tactics that the current CCP uses as having roots in the country’s ancient past. Likewise the belief that the Chinese are the superior race destined for world dominance, if not singular occupation, comes from ancient culture which has filtered into the world today. Americans have been gullible. We have approached everyone with the idea that ‘they’ either are just like us or want to be just like us. This is not a Christian virtue; it is a fool’s downfall. When the CIA & Hollywood began exploiting Americans as the “ugly American” in the 60s, we fell for it. We have been groveling in fear that “others” will disapprove of us since that first blast of stench. The truth is, the ugly Americans are in public office, Wall Street, banking, education, unions, the arts, Hollywood. MSM, and our churches. We have the first opportunity in decades to flush this filth out of our brains and our culture. President Trump is and has done a yeoman’s job in setting up the circumstances for Americans to reclaim our heritage. We must be bold and honest, even if we may be part of a blended family which includes a Chinese national daughter-in-law or father-in-law. China is America’s enemy. Many Chinese people who are in our country are here to infiltrate and destroy us. Even if they have come to question the CCP, when the chips are down, their allegiance is to China. We have snakes in Oklahoma and even our chickens are trained to look out for them. If it’s not the snakes, it may be the hawks. The point is, we must be comfortable being American. Recognize the grace God has given us by letting us be here, Then, we must protect it with our lives. China and it’s people want us dead so that they can simply move in. In the 1990s I lived in Santa Barbara where the Dali Lama and many Tibetan religious came to get on their feet. There was a shop on lower State Street that sold Tibetan furniture. I went in looking for a kitchen sideboard that I had seen a few days earlier. As I entered the store I scanned the large warehouse space and saw it in the distance. Suddenly I could hear screaming, gun shots and the rush of soldiers…Chinese soldiers. Shaken I went over to the piece of furniture and ran my hand over the door. Sure enough, there were bullet holes and blood stains on the inside… and I realized the proprietor was Chinese. That is what China has in mind for us. It is their nature.

4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Did this really happen? During the Clinton Regime? How did you survive as a witness? Seriously want to know and believe you.

4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

How can we recognize the enemy among us? Someone please help me to figure out what question I can ask and understand the answer.

4 years ago

Wish I’d said that!

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

And Cain took a wife of the land of Nod (many scholars believe China). It is written.

4 years ago

China needed to be punished HARD back in the early spring for releasing a bio weapon on the world regardless of whether or not it was intentional.

4 years ago

It’s obvious…They’ve penetrated all levels of our government.
PLEASE give ear to the Mike Adams Health Ranger Report
Dec. 7 titled: “The Second Wave” The last half of this report
is very revealing.

TIME of the Season
TIME of the Season
4 years ago

Perhaps questions would make this a moot issue, with that said here you go.

Did the Chinese give you the war of 1812?
Did the Chinese give you the war of 1861?
Did the Chinese give you the Spanish American war?
Did the Chinese give you WW I?
Did the Chinese give you WW II?
Did the Chinese give you the federal reserve?
Did the Chinese give you the irs?
Did the Chinese Give you James Warburg’s statement
(” We shall have a ONE world Government, be it by Consent, or Conquest.)?

Did the Chinese give you, any of these things???

If NOT then you’re all barking up the wrong TREE.. But I digress…

4 years ago

F_ck off, Commie shill.

4 years ago

It will not be a civil war, it will be a revolution