This works or it’s revolution.
The best way to understand Trump is also the simplest: he’s a businessman. From that perspective, little of what he’s doing is as inexplicable or surprising as many make it out to be. The inexplicability arises from general ignorance of business. Most Americans have little knowledge or understanding of how private American businesses work, although they generate the majority of the U.S.’s $29 trillion GDP and employ many of them.
Trump is now CEO of the federal government. That enterprise has over $36 trillion in direct liabilities and unfunded liabilities in the hundreds of trillions. Its cost of credit is rising and debt service is taking an ever-expanding share of its revenues. Self evidently, it cannot continue on its present course.
The common element of successful business turnarounds is that they don’t emerge from slow, incremental changes from within the system. Somebody comes in and administers shock therapy. Turnaround artists are never popular. Lots of people are fired, unprofitable operations discarded, finances tightened, business philosophies rethought, and the company’s direction radically reset. Because the company’s situation is dire, this all has to be done quickly, with shareholders howling and creditors pounding at the door.
This federal government, as intended by the Founders, was not made to be a business, it was meant to guard our God given liberty and freedom from those that would deny us our God given rights. Until we realize that our system is bound to fail and fall into tyranny and evil dictatorship.
You need to read your history again.
Governments by nature ARE Businesses. All sensible decisions come from businesslike evaluation of the situation and decisions on WHAT IS vs the Democrats “We FEEL”.
At one time NOBODY could post a spending bill without a proof of funding.
BECAUSE they’ve been running it NOT AS A BUSINESS, we’ve had NO BUDGET and ongoing kick the can “Continuing resolutions” to keep the grift flowing.
In God we trust, everybody else pays cash (except for politicians it seems).
I like an optimist. Financialize everything and fiat forever.
When I was in business as a contractor, we did a profit and loss assessment yearly to determine assets and liability. You cannot guess and assume your business is running a profit or a loss, you need to know if you are going to stay in business. Congress is supposed to be in control of the money allocated and spent. President Trump should declare an emergency and remove every senator and congressman with more than two terms and hold emergency elections, if he has to declare martial law so be it.
In 2022 Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrup Gruman, Boeing and General Dynamics sold about $190 billion is weapons. Anyone serious about changing the way our country does business will have to change this. Until then, the basic business model of the U.S. is war.