The tyRANT’s Rage

When will this nightmare be over? I could never have dreamed that Americans who want to make their country great would be labelled as domestic terrorists and enemies of the “state”. As the faux tyrant “rants”, I believe we are being misdirected. Watch the other hand and be vigilant. Especially watch the events in Ukraine, Taiwan and Iran: the Deep State wants WWIII as a diversion and as a means to reduce the population.

No one was motivated by the medicated puppet’s speech. What kind of person would have been swayed by the symbology and rhetoric against the people who make this country run, pay taxes and just want a better life for their children. I also want to point out that these people are also armed and have had enough of their Liberty and wealth stolen.

Pray for our country’s people as the nation descends into chaos.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

It was a clear violation of military regulations and established White House protocol to use Marine Corps guards (any service members, actually) as props in a political event.

But rules are for the little people….

DemonicRats don’t need no stinking’ rules !!

2 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Republic CUCKS to the rescue

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

There are those who have turned their backs on God. Conversely, there are those who have turned their faces toward Him. America will never belong to Ba’al, Ashtaroth, Moloch, or Lucifer. America’s blood covenant is with the Living God of Abraham, Issaac, and Jacob and His army is numbered in the Hosts of Heaven. His people are but simple creatures who dwell in the shadow of the “Most High”, waiting patiently for His call to stand. Their days are not lost to idle bluster but are spent in steely resolve. Make no wrong assumption, America was and is a creation of our LORD. As such, who is the giant that thinks he can threaten God who made the heavens and the earth? Which general is it that says he is mightier than the winds of God? Which department head believes in his heart his treachery will never be exposed? Which fake leader speaks hatred and foul intentions toward the inheritance of Jesus, while standing on the threshold of eternity, believing there is no WOE for him? Let the demons and fallen ones be warned, this is not a fair fight that is coming. This is the Harvest of Hell from off the earth which will carry the response of righteousness. God bless the USA.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Gail, I love your passion. That being said, I’m not sure God will be blessing the USA:
“Acts 10:34,35
“And Peter opened his mouth and said, “Of a truth, I perceive that God is not a respecter of persons. But in every nation that revers Him, and worketh righteousness is acceptable to Him.”
Not sure where in the USSA these verses are evident. God doesn’t play favorites. He is a just God.

2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Gail, this has to play out to the very end no matter what we witness and hear, until the last person is called of God then and only then will the end come. After this every man, women and child will stand for judgement. those who have done wickedly and us whom have been washed in the blood of Christ who stands in for us in front of his Father in heaven. this is an old cliche, it will get much worse before it gets better. remember this is satans final hour on earth and he will drag as many of God’s creation who he hates into the abyss with him. what he does not understand, or refuses, he, the anti christ and the false prophet are going to a special place prepared for them below hell to be forever tormented.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Never before, in the history of this country, has a president stood in front of the people and spewed such hatred towards half of the population. Not even during the Civil War! I’m not religious, but that background is straight up demonic. This is what Stalinists do just before the mass arrests and the genocide. Everybody ready?

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

“Rothschild” means red flag, apparently. And I guess its why all the communist flags are red. That background is a bold statement as to who is in charge and pulling Joe’s strings..

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

I posted the following elsewhere on this site but it bears repeating:
The set, the backdrop, the ominous red & black colors--all were reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s Reichstag speech.
The monsters who set up this ABOMINATION (and the ABOMINATION that was reading its Teleprompter) are the greatest threat to the Republic since its inception.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

“Rothschild” = “Red Shield.”

2 years ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Yep. Thanks. I misspoke.

kevins s
kevins s
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Its possible, all those coffins that alex jones and others stumbled onto about 5 years back is for this very purpose.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

whoever is talking to this dementia ridden idiot in his earpiece, like I believe is Obama dictating to him what to say. Remember Obama always divided the nation when talking bad about conservative republicans, example: if they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun. things like this came out of the mouth of that filthy reprobate sodomites’ mouth in the white house. big joe is being paid very big money for playing his part, but he has no control over anything and never did. he is the bobble head doll you see on the dashboard of a car.

2 years ago

If people really wanted to make America great again, they wouldn’t have waited or needed a MAGA movement to propel them to do so. Additionally, MAGA is also leaderless, representative of the populace at large. These things are unable to be accomplished because there’s no cohesion amongst the people throughout the country. Looking at the J6 debacle more recently, it seems this was another divide and conquer strategy; to further divide conservatives and Republicans, primarily, from each other. Look at how many were ‘ashamed of their actions’ after the fact, upon being arrested, charged and perhaps imprisoned and have publicly stated so. It’s my understanding that’s why the QAnon movement didn’t work; it was designed to be a top-down set of reforms (some generals and other high-ranking military personnel were going to restructure things from within), hence, a president or someone else saying MAGA, with the correlating speech as though things are correctively going in that direction, will surely be squashed; look at the increased prices of oil, gasoline, food, cost of living expenses, and elsewise, as a counteraction in many respects. It’s back to the same problem again. This is socio-cultural; the deficit thereof. Yes, there’s political rot, but that requires more of a removal of the old and currently existing exclusive (ingroup-outgroup) politics. It seems that for long-lasting change the people need to stop being passive about the declining economy, over-taxation, diminished education, politically correct workplaces, submission-based churches in which the pastor ultimately decides the political and social direction of the congregation (generally non-activist). All of this not to say that leaders are not necessary, but that they’re also needed in accordance with issues that modulate the day-to-day running of things for the people, otherwise most everything just serves the government, and the entrenched authorities and establishments, as well as putting those who are willing to take action at increased risk.

Carol Ann Levasseur
Carol Ann Levasseur
2 years ago

Amen! Localize!

Elder Son
2 years ago


P.S. Give me one frikking reason why you think God blesses America, or even would want to? Bunch of tolerant freaks. America is saturated with degenerates. And American Christians are cowards. They would never entertain the thought that just maybe God has heard your prayers and is waiting for you to get off your cowardly knees. But… but… we’re waiting for a sign! The sign has so saturated America, that even Christians stink.

comment image

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

It really does look like a rookie mistake. Like they don’t really understand how americans think, or even our culture or history.

Almost as though the writers of this speech, the choreographers of the red lit brick wall, the real decision makers behind this occupational government, are not from around here, and just assumed this would work the way it works in *their* country.

They seem genuinely shocked and blindsided by the public reaction to this speech, even from the left leaning media.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

If they (the world) are pushing for ww3 and we are fairly sure the will get it, how wise is it for people to be pushing, (calling for) civil war? How prudent?

2 years ago

Its all trauma based mind control anyway. Today he’s walking backwards on the matter saying he believes no maga is a threat. It all ties in to all the predictive programming that’s taken place over the last century-in books (brave new world, 1984), movies (especially the imagery from The Wall), designed to inspire the blood lust of satan’s children, and fear in the rest of us. We are not given to a spirit of fear, but of love and a sound mind.