The US government is not paying some military members. My son is one they owe.

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Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 year ago

Remember the Jimmie Carter years? I do. Same smell.

1 year ago

Disabled USAF and LEO veteran. After multiple injuries/surgeries I was documented as ‘unemployable/disabled’ in 2009. An incompetent lawyer screwed my SSDI case up so badly that he ran me out of work credits (after 5 years not working they disappear). Despite that, SS office KNEW I was documented unemployable (by one of THEIR doctors) and still denied my claim.
It gets better. I then worked again on my VA claim following the SS fiasco. The VA reopened my case THIS YEAR (after a repeated denial to increase my rating in 2017…they actually had me rated lower than the state at the time!!). I got a letter, after just a few months (June), and was approved an increase (to only 60%). After SIX years!! I’ve lived on under $900/mo since 2017. Lost a lot and at risk of homeless at any point during this as well. I just thank God my kids were already grown before this happened. So, they approved it, AND backdated to 2017! Then…nothing…no deposit…no correspondence or calls…nothing. I waited about 2-3 wks and called them. They tell me my case went to ‘audit’…and it’s been there ever since. I guess they have trouble with math….determining the backpay difference from comp I was getting from what is owed and having to finish paying back the SSB I got when I left AF in 1992 (during their drawdown). Everyone says that it is wrong making people pay that back if you are granted any VA disability…and I agree…it’s just plain WRONG! But, even with all that, there is still backpay owed (I did the math…lol) plus an extra $400/mo increase I could REALLY use right about NOW.
Soooo…was approved in Jume….backdated to 2017…and STILL WAITING.
I was advised to call anywhere from every week to only once or twice a month for a status on it…which I have been….*sigh*.

1 year ago

FYI: when I wanted to go utube this happened. Has your son contacted Thomas Massie, KY 202.225.3465 and/or Mike Rogers AL  (202) 225-3261 (armed services committee). Your and his congressional representatives as well. Does he belong to VFW, AMVETS, and/or American Legion(there are others, but these are largest)? They have service officers in at least the major clubs. Ask for the service officers assistance-they are also in the VAs as well.I wanted to go to utube to post and I got this message: is blocked refused to connect.ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
My above response on utube was deleted as I am violating community standards.