The US is about to run out of diesel fuel

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Haven’t they been saying this for a few weeks now?

Chuck Reeves
Chuck Reeves
2 years ago

IMHO this is less bad than everyone is reading into this. Think of the 25-day diesel supply as the water in the local water tank. The water authority is still purifying water and pumping it into the water tank (refineries). We are still drinking (using diesel). Water goes into the tank, water comes out of the tank with the tank (25-day supply) as the buffer.
If the refineries stop producing today, in 25 days we would be out, but they are not going to stop producing. Diesel goes into the surplus, and diesel out of the surplus as we consume.
Net consumption will fall in the coming months so the surplus will begin to start to rise in the coming days.
At least that’s the way I see, it.

2 years ago

It just goes to show you how far the rabbit hole goes. Take Donnie Dump for instance he could never have destroyed the whole thing and be blamed for it. They planned that Mr Potatoe head would do it get blamed for it. This way our enemies can destroy us and Dump will have a rally tell us how we should miss his great judgement and leadership. Tell me if we need to trust the plan just a little longer. How is depleting the SPR and not allowing the refineries to produce fuel oil going to help ua make America great again? The populace is completely bamboozled …without a clue as to who is running things and the direction we are going. Sad part is it was all contrived all the players are actors this is true. But they are not running a production where they save us in the end . The end is we are all dead and they I own it all. It is that simple…..