The USA, The Fall of Rome, and Almighty God’s Judgment

Invasions By Barbarian Tribes.  In 410, the Visigoths successfully sacked the city of Rome. The Romans rightly referred to the invaders as barbarians because they lacked the learning, skills, and organizational foundations of Rome. Further, at that point, the barbarians were pagan – they worshipped a pantheon of gods such as Woden, Thor, Frigg, and Balder– whereas Rome had already accepted Christianity as its official religion.

In the USA we now see a collapse at the Southern border.  The seeming bi-partisan fence that was erected in 2006 in retrospect appears to be a sham.  The fence was allowed to fall into disrepair and was inadequate for deterring illegal access.  In 2016, Presidential candidate Donald Trump called out the do-nothing Congress and both the previous Republican and Democrat administrations for allowing this “invasion” of illegals to happen. As part of his Make America Great Again agenda, he proposed and then, after being elected, began to build a wall with accompanying surveillance system that was better than anything that had previously been attempted on our Southern border.

…America’s collapse, though likely, will not come through civil war, but through a weakening brought about by internal dissensions, corruption, incompetence, and immorality. 

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About Hammers Thor
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1 year ago

Like Rome one of the first social structures to come under fire was marriage. A scant 100 years ago divorce was rare and remarriage banned from the churches…. Now we have sodomite marriages and the Barbarians are inside the gates. The fall is nigh.

1 year ago

Want to know why this article doesn’t allow comments on the page of origin? He’s FOS. (not H. Thor, unless he penned it) Arminius freed Germany, as Roman punishments were extreme by German standards. The history he wants acknowledged doesn’t include the Germans defeating Rome on THREE occasions. He claims Islam was the dominate religions in Istanbul, complete BA bull S, in reality it was those of the Zorastrian faith. Christians didn’t have matrimony until Constantine call for the Counsel of Nicea, where they adopted the ceremony. This is also when the sabbath switched from Saturday to Sunday.
This ‘pastor’ is going by his own fabricated history, as if he were the winner. Sounds like a ‘history channel’ writer.
“Arminius, give me back my legions” Caesar Agustus

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Matt
1 year ago

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is “wisdom from God” (1 Corinthians 1:30). Therefore, wisdom, or spiritual discernment, is something that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. The world’s way of getting wisdom is different from God’s way. The learned of the world gain knowledge and apply reason to knowledge to solve problems, construct buildings and create philosophies. But God does not make the knowledge of Himself available by those means. First Corinthians 1:18-31 says the “wisdom of the wise” is frustrated by God who delivers wisdom to the “foolish” and the “weak” by way of a relationship with Jesus Christ. That way, “no human being can boast in His presence” (verse 29). We learn to be spiritually discerning by knowing Him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

The world only has head knowledge of what they garner from people such as themselves, IE: Their crappie universities, movies, fake mass media, Hollywood, the Government, etc. this is their knowledge base and it’s like dead man’s bones. they are corrupted inside of them for lack of true knowledge from the scriptures and God. they have deceived themselves into believing their lies are truth and in this they have corrupted themselves and will be sent to hellfire on the last day.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

His judgement is World wide.