Five or six years ago there were reports of US government agencies with no enforcement duties stockpiling weapons and ammunition (ex. riot shotguns for the USPS). I wondered … why? Now, things seem to make a bit more sense. Is our government arming the invaders?
Remember Jade Helm and weapons caches placed around the country? All it takes is One Phone Call to go to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cXXw4x58-4
The US State Dept. and the UN International Organization for Migration are doing this to us. UN, WEF Agenda 2030. Google that. The Republican traitors must know this. It’s not a secret. And yet they do nothing.
I will go that far and say fed.gov will arm the illegals against American citizens.
Tom, when it comes and the Federal Leo’s arm these putrid stinking viral infected dogs it will be the day to have your guns loaded and ready to go. If by some strange chance they do arrive at your door, you must make sure none of them can flee, all must be taken out without any hesitation, or they will Butcher you and your family. According to many sources they have been given the orders by Obama/Biden and the feds to take the homes of the American people by force and the booty. This will be the day you deflect away from the illegals for a moment and concentrate on taken out every federal Leo official who are the communist Marxist internal enemies of the nation. Wherever the feds have their stashed arms warehouses it will be the patriots who are in the inside to leak at info as to the location of the warehouses so they can be destroyed along with the feds who supervisor them. It should be obvious when the viral infected dogs receive their text messages on government provided cell phones to report to the warehouses in the cities to pick up the arms to begin the purge, so vigilance is required by Americans to report what is going on and the locations they are gathering at.
God help the good people of this nation to repel a three-frontal war by the Illegal alien vermin, the Feds and some in the U.S. military who will be supporting the vermin.
Spot on Phil, keep your head on a swivel and stay armed at all times.
Here here!! Traitors and Enemies, MUST be dealt with very, very harshly!!! Folks when is Enough going to truly be ENOUGH?
Hey Tom
Iran,just got bombed it’s about to go medieval. HEADING TO BOARDER! May God Be with you! And all true believers
And you as well Irod.
That’s what obummer was doing with all those weapons and ammo. He said he wanted a private army, now the kenyan warlord has one.
Remember, Obama said he was going to form an army as powerful as the US army. He’s still the President. He’s forming his army.
Short answer: YES!
Notice none of those “illegals” were required to have the shot, either…but US citizens were.
They want us all killed and, one way or another, they’ll make it happen.
NYC 2024 trash pick up cuts 40 percent!!!!!
Along with axing community composting programs and delaying brown bin pickup, the department will be reducing its sidewalk trash can collection service by 40 percent. This means that New Yorkers will see some of their city’s 23,000 street-corner baskets removed altogether.
Mayor Adams now crying that illegals may have to sleep on street.
Organic sandbags…
Yes. The Fed Gov WILL arm these invaders as part of the quest to keep the rest of us in line.
The real story is the section of wall missing, the track hoe and the pylings laying on the ground. I would like for him to interview the traitor that took it down.
The Reason Can Not Be Good | Evil White Guy
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