.@RepThomasMassie: "I want to talk about the weaponization of CDC against the American people" pic.twitter.com/wn3brBojui
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) March 9, 2023
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one may be unable to find the truth about anything
these days, darn it
Are there two words spoken by our politicians more than “American people?” Pulleezzeee.
Reconciliation will need to involve gallows and guillotines or don’t bother.
…i thoughtfuLLy find your solution understandable from a fundamental emotional standpoint, yet with my logic, my mindset, my life experience and my knowledge base so far when i imagine either actual historic, modern or hypocriticaLLy future choices of brutal actions in order to restore peace or serve social justice, i can’t help but think of how it encourages violence or destructive negative actions and helps make them acceptable… …the next thing i think is trees somehow turning us into jenga blocks or green morphos butterflies driving us to extinction to color their monopoly money just to realize oh wait that’s what happened to us and it didn’t work or a big highrise apartment being smashed up gleefuLLy by huge toddler ants…
…i mean at least keep ’em alive for picking up pollution or cigarettes butts or cleaning tasteless graffiti like lesser criminals have to… …don’t just reward ’em with a much less painful and excruciating single punishment than they put multiple people through…
…or then kids wiLL rise up like the outsiders and home alone tactics gueriLLa glue us to stacks of lie-fiLLed history books and thick homework pamphlets…
…but if you had or have anyone you love or in pain i can understand the choice for your mindset…
…my grandma suffered dementia, it wasn’t until I was older i realized it most likely was from high consumption of aspartame, it makes me angry at the profiteers of such hieness business that is stiLL legal carries out tiLL this day but to try to hurt aLL that have ever sold it unknowingly or in order to keep their low pay job to feed their kids wouldn’t be right, aLL i’m saying is sometimes there are different solutions that might not be as instantly gratifying but set a parked example…
…soRRy if any of what i have typed is disagreeable to you, cause i’d understand that…
peace Mr Liberty
Recently a doctor asked me “have you had ‘your’ covid vaccinations?”, stressing the word ‘your’. I replied “my covid vaccinations?, it sounds like one doesn’t have a choice, they’re not ‘my’ covid vaccinations and I’m not taking that”. She left and came back with another doctor who was ‘assuring’ me I had no contraindications, which they really wouldn’t have known anyway because the ingredient list was not made public, proper trials weren’t conducted, as well them having only a limited amount of medical records pertaining to some health issues. Further, it’s already acknowledged on many fronts that these so-called vaccines are unsafe and it’s rather demoralizing that so many doctors are still asking with the purpose of getting as many as possible injected.
Hold your ground! It is going to be even more difficult for Purebloods to avoid the constant gaslighting, cajoling, threats and intimidation to get us to take the jab.
BTW, change doctors asap too.
With regards to the clinic requiring a Covid-19 nasal swab PCR test before surgery mentioned below, I did change providers after the two week post-op appointment, and have been since referred to by medical clinics (such as for seeking a second opinion) as ‘hopping around’ the implication that I’m interrupting my own continuity of care. The other clinic I use on a case-by-case basis. It’s imperative to have multiple providers in not only avoiding this CDC dominant atmosphere, but in navigating the quality of care being that most doctors, nurses and medical staff, to include front desk personnel have declared themselves as largely belonging to the order taker and follower category, which in practice really denotes they already belonged to such categories, because they all didn’t become so rigidly trained in doing so only with the Covid-19 pandemic (and it’s something that was already inherent and evident before the CDC mandates). This pandemic just pointed out what they really were in effect, politically and medically, ultimately making the established medical community and related authorities a public health threat. It’s needful for this system to fall soon, bringing something more natural and holistic to replace it.
Better late than never, I guess. 3 years too late. Was at the VA hospital today for a procedure, asked the nurses if they ever watched the videos of the PCR inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis. They didn’t even know his name. And they could care less. Just doing their job. Reason I asked was I had to get my first ever covid test for this procedure. Came back negative, surprisingly. But they get your DNA during the process. And that info can be sold. What a country. ‘Merica!
I was recently at the Birmingham VA, and they still insist on the mask requirement. I asked why are they the last remaining government agency requiring the face diaper-only get the deer in the headlight stare.
I filed a grievance with the grievance committee of a local hospital about being required to take a PCR Covid-19 nasal swab test prior to what was deemed a necessary surgery, in part because I had no symptoms, nor any known exposure to covid. Also, I included information about the test at no time having isolated the virus, the fraudulent use of increased amplitude and that the test doesn’t differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses such as the common cold and that it may be merely detecting antibodies from something one has recovered from, and the CDC conducting gene sequencing and selling the DNA information from these tests to vaccine companies, etc. The grievance advocate said they weren’t going to give up their funding to go against what the CDC says, and that the issues would be with the CDC.
“Dr Sherri Tenpenny on Covid Shots: Once You Vaccinate, You Cannot Unvaccinate”