The West Has Lost Already

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The globohomo new world order pushed Russia to act, and as he stated they have already lost. Nuclear war is coming and they think they can survive it, fools and psychopaths running headlong to our deaths.

2 years ago

Rhodesia and South Africa were commodity producers, both heavily sanctioned by the west. In the end it was internal treachery that brought those governments down. The west has not learned this lesson yet, in the end the US will succumb to its own internal treachery.

the real enemy
the real enemy
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

planned internal treachery by the same (((people))) currently taking down our nation.

call it communism if you want, but it’s the same (((linage of people))) playing the same ole’ games.

2 years ago

It’s not that the U.S. thought they would win in Ukraine, and through sanctions and dissembling in its political dealings against Russia. They know these tactics and techniques as well as sanctions don’t work. That’s why they’re doing it. This was preplanned and staged. As long as the people keep considering and labeling preachers and politicians their leaders (those that work in concert together towards these ends); the religious hierarchical system, politicians, lawyers and doctors and others perceived as authorities, it’s all ultimately working towards the same end, the complete collapse of America, primarily (which is a looming threat to most countries in the world). Foreign policy is a mirror of the domestic policy. What the U.S. and NATO are doing in other countries will not stay localized to the commerce, social and political landscapes of those territories, but will in effect be rendered as blowback to the continental U.S. and much of Europe.

the real enemy
the real enemy
2 years ago

I don’t like this guy.

he’s clearly and intentionally avoiding the (((elephant in the room))).