The Wolves of DC

Can anyone explain to me why people are holding out hope for a “Red Wave”? What exactly happens if the “Republicans” take over congress? Will someone please enlighten me?

The GOP Sheeple can huff and puff all they want, they’ll NEVER blow the GOP Establishment down, because the Establishment is the REAL Big Bad Wolf. The GOP Establishment knows that the voters that vow to hold their elected Reps accountable are just blowing hot air. Because when it comes election time, those voters will STILL vote for the GOP Wolf in the belief that it is still better than the Democrat Wolf. It’s the same WolfPack, the wolves are just wearing different clothing.

All the promises of committees, and special investigations, mean nothing, because our elected reps are cowards and we refuse to hold them accountable. The whole world has seen the evidence of crimes committed, those on the establishment team walk free, while others rot without trial or rights.

We the People want hangings for those that have committed treason against our once great nation. Sadly nobody will do it for us.

Words are supposed to have meaning. But Words are NOTHING without the action to back them up. We continue to ignore everything our founding fathers told us to do should we find ourselves in the situation we are faced with now.

Watching everything our enemy is doing, seeing it happen in real time, while all around me people carry on without a concern in the world, is honestly quiet maddening.

Those of us that are awake I believe are frozen by fear. Because once we step off that porch, the whole world changes forever. “Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” I for one am tired of suffering under this evil. They tried killing us over the last two years with their “bioweapon” and “cure”. That right there should be enough for us to stand but we haven’t. The list of grievances is long with our current overlords. And the best answer we have is to vote in a system that has been proven corrupt?

I feel so alone in my beliefs. Either I’m insane or just way ahead in my thinking.

Well it’s ok I guess, we have less than three months now until the Big Bad Wolf of the GOPe arrives to save us with all their meetings and investigations.

Yall have a good day.


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2 years ago

Wes, It would “seem” that people walk around without a care in the world. Have you considered the record level of SSRI prescriptions and other anti-depressants consumed daily by Americans just to be functional?

I know A LOT of people who seem oblivious and use these medications, some are on several. I believe they have to be medicated to avoid facing reality.


2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

The historic levels of suicides are also indicative of hopelessness and recognition in my opinion.


Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

There is also the fact that a vast majority receive a government handout (welfare, social security, WIC, Medicaid/Medicare, etc…). Most will not give that up for a freedom. These are the chains We put on and they bind us because We fear We cannot live without them.

Not taking away from the medications. They are poison.

Joan Thomas
Joan Thomas
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I’m 74. I paid for Social Security and still paying for Medicare. I’m NOT a beneficiary. I’m a paying member. When I was injured at work. They wanted me to sign up for Medicaid. I wrote a letter and declined it. And anything else they pushing. And I don’t have a prescription plan. I don’t subscribe to prescription drugs.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Joan Thomas

You do realize that no where in the Constitution does it allow the federal government to run a retirement program. With that said, would you give it up to be free?

chop chop
chop chop
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

excuese me but social security is not goverment had out. i worked hard my whole life and paid in to it and now iam getting some of it back

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  chop chop

You paid into an illegal program.

So would you give it up to be free?

2 years ago
Reply to  chop chop

Social Security IS and always was a government hand out. It was intended to be. It is social welfare. Redistribution.
It is also a Pyramid Scheme doomed to collapse.
You are not receiving what you “paid in”. It was not set aside for you in a separate account collecting interest. You are receiving what others are now “paying in”. Just as others before you received what you were then “paying in”.
I put “paying in” in quotes because you did no such thing. The money was taken from you by legal plunder (see Bastiat). You had only the choices to pay it or go to jail. When charged, you would be arrested by an LEO with a gun on his hip. If you resisted, you might be shot dead. The money was taken from you at gunpoint.
Now, because you were robbed, you feel justified in robbing your neighbors, indeed, your own children.
It doesn’t matter, though. Although I don’t believe absolutely that all taxes are theft, these days we’re so close to all taxes being theft that it makes little difference whether there is some hypothetical taxation or level of taxation that isn’t theft.
The biggest, baddest tax around is inflation, and it’s invisible. So enjoy your handouts while you can.
p.s. Somebody, or many somebodies, gets rich off that invisible tax called inflation and it ain’t you, yet. When SS or Medicare are flat broke, they just “print” up some new dough to fuel the hand outs. But, those handouts are themselves taxed by inflation, so you will never get back what you “paid in”.
happy handouts

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  FJQ

I feeling exactly. I would have said the same thing, but I find most older people will not believe no matter what you say.

I am interested to see if they would choose freedom of the money.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago
Reply to  FJQ

Very well said. Most people in America have never read the writings of the Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) the economic writer, French statesman and anti-socialist. His writings on freedom, ownership of private property, and free-markets were and are still amazingly relevant to today’s situation and the freedom killing federal leviathan. Bastiat should be required reading. I can say that after I read Bastiat I realized that most of what I learned while obtaining my University degree was pure horse sh__. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

The smaller the extent of the territory, the more difficult will it be for the people to form a regular or systematic plan of opposition, and the more easy will it be to defeat their early efforts. Intelligence can be more speedily obtained of their preparations and movements, and the military force in the possession of the usurpers can be more rapidly directed against the part where the opposition has begun. In this situation there must be a peculiar coincidence of circumstances to insure success to the popular resistance.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

What’s that a quote from?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  FJQ

The rest of the paragraph from Federalist Papers #28

2 years ago

Part of this psyop program is intended to make us feel isolated and alone.

Wes, you are FAR from alone.


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

At this point, nothing is going to save us, except what was said that we step off the porch and take our country back, period. I did not vote in the primary election and will not vote in November. Action is what is called for, every last one in this government, local state and federal needs to go.

2 years ago

The amount of clueless people astonishes me. But I am seeing evidence of more people waking up, surprisingly more younger people.

You are not alone

2 years ago

Hay, the GOP says they learned their lesson and now they will be good! Even though 99% have been bought and paid for by powerful interest and almost all affirmed the OBiden election steal. Do any of you trust them? I don’t!
I am too old to fight, but I will never vote again!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Lawnmore, your fighting now, I am an old geezer at 71 yrs. But that said, I am willing to fight, do not take any meds, and still workout everyday. God has blessed me in so many ways, and am willing to lay myself down to restore our Republic. The only thing I fear is my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is getting real close to start time, I have one foot off the porch, you are not alone Wes.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

You do not have to fight, you just need to stand up and say no more.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thomas, I am 74 and went Galt over a decade ago. I have been saying no most of my adult life for all the good it has done me. None the less, I am still saying no!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

I was just saying you do not have to fight. Just standing up and saying no can work. I have an older guy on the radio a while back say I cannot do anything, I said stand up and speak out. We can all do that. No need to feel back because you cannot hump 80 pounds up a mountain all day long.

I have been made fun of all life for my conservative beliefs. It just makes me want to say more, well most of the time.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Colossians 3: 1,2
“If ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.”
That doesn’t mean we just let everyone walk all over us. Jesus Christ came that we might have a more abundant life, [John 10:10.] This is a spiritual contest.
The contest is waged in the mind. We are not on this earth forever. I can change myself. I can help someone change their lives if they respond to the truth. Wallowing in what I cannot change denies me the more abundant life.
The loss of freedom and movement of tyranny is the result of the masses being duped. Each of us should do our best to change that however, I am under no delusion that this may turn out they way we want. I focus on things above, not on things of the earth.
There are 5 crowns, [rewards] that will be handed out at the gathering together. They are for eternity. These are mentioned in the epistles. Look them up. It gives you the motivation to carry on in spite of massive unbelief.

2 years ago

The weak, do nothing GOP will do just that, nothing. Dana commented on those walking around without a care in world and this is right. They think things will be all good going forward. I think they will wake up soon enough but it will be too late. They will still be stumbling around oblivious as the Holodomor 2.0 and economy collapse starts to wind up and consume them. The GOP will say Vote Harder and we will take care of things by writing a strongly worded letter.

2 years ago

One party of two halves, i.e. the liberals want illegals to enhance their voter base, the GOPers want illegals for cheap labor, hence we have illegals, lots! Both want We the People turned (more?) into serfs. Resist, survive, plan now for the reset.

2 years ago

No one is stopping you (Wes) from stepping off the proverbial ‘porch’ in your local AO. You’ll rally other LOCAL patriots & supporters to the fight, and your leadership, after they witness your successful opening strikes against tyranny. Anything else is a (highly questionable) waste of time on your part. Whiny blogging is not fighting back, nor the way forward. And regardless, that you’ll censor my comment for failing to meet your standard of controlled opposition (cultist LARPing) approval…..either put up or shut up, in your local AO, at a minimum.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Woo-Hoo

The only thing highly questionable is you Woo-Poo.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You’re in the same boat of braggadocious hot-air, Finley.
My previous comment is both a legitimate question and prickly statement, especially for those sensitive, thin skinned, hard charging soldiers of the blogosphere.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Woo-Hoo

I don’t suffer from any of those smears, I am just being honest with my words, as you commented were you censored? No, you were not, as to controlled opposition, I can pretty much guess who you are trolling for.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woo-Hoo

Wes is opening eyes, he’s coaching and educating those who ‘just feel something is deeply wrong’, he’s educating and providing a common man’s voice as an alternative to the propaganda by the media, he has exhausted all means of redress and normal options.
His purpose is to avoid the violence of war through reasoned thought, to motivate Americans to put a stop to this nonsense in a unified voice.

You’ve got him all wrong, this is a modern version of “Common Sense”.


Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

Yes, we will be washed in a gigantic red wave. More of the same stuff we’ve suffered through since way back. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

2 years ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Maybe a red wave of a different substance.


Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Everybody chill out. The comment section here is populated by seniors. Myself included. No combat ninjas here. What real underground resistance fighter would post on blogs that are actively monitored? None that would expect to last very long. No need to be negative. Think positive. The shit show is going to crash, soon. And then you can own as much of the fight as you can handle.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Well I don’t know about you Joe, but I am chilling, call me stupid or whatever, I will not run and hide, or be secretive about my positions. I am an ex-vet, ready to take it to them, damn the consequences at this point, this is survival time.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Sure, m rapp got it thanks.

2 years ago

Wes, you talk like comparing our current American to our forefathers makes sense but it don’t work. our forefathers were masters of “survival” they had to be or they died, They saw government taxes as confiscation and a threat to their survival. Current Americans won’t respond until they feel their survival threatened.Unfortunatlly most will find due to decades of decay they will not posess the necessary skills to survive.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

The republicans, should they end up with a majority in Congress, will do what they always do. Betray. They will not build the border wall, enforce immigration laws, round-up and return all illegals, defund, the 3 letters corrupt LE agencies starting with the BATF and the FBI, repeal the Red Flag gun confiscation law, repeal China Joe’s climate / tax increase law. put in place a flat tax and defund the IRS, end the clot shot mandates, support free-markets, They are backbenchers and they are part of the freedom killing uni-party. With a very few exceptions they are all bought pull-peddling grifters. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!