The Word

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1 year ago

Not so fast, they will continue to cheat.
Just like here, your vote does not count. Canada is no different or as in most European countries .
The candidates are pre picked , and guaranteed to win.
The era of free and fair elections is over.

1 year ago
Reply to  Magrit

As Stalin once said;
“It is VERY Important the People Vote”
“It’s MORE Important WHO counts the votes”.

However, when the people start saying;
“They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work”

Things fall apart. The Readers Digest version of the History of the Soviet Union

And it seems the American experiment as Biden’s Handlers continue to screw things up and our “money” buys less and poorer quality goods and food.

The voting thing still works in local elections at least in New England. Where reminding them who will recall them or vote them out of that cushy job they respond.

And there’s this little thing when the people have nothing more to lose and all hades breaks out. In modern times that’s when the electrical grid is killed and mass population losses due to lack of safe water, food, shelter as the violence spreads across the board.

For the REAL powers that Be (not CONgress and such) that’s not a Bug its a feature of their plans to reduce the useless eaters AKA Carbon in the World.

Trouble is coming. Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.

old dog
old dog
1 year ago

I will not argue or debate the point that the voting is rigged. We all know it is. However, every person SHOULD vote. If you don’t vote you are validating the cheaters. If everyone votes it will be more difficult if not impossible to whitewash the cheating. That said, if the cheating wins out it is then the people will have to decide what they will settle for. I think this election could be viewed as the shot heard around the world. In the end the people have to grow a set and in mass demand the Constitution and Bill of Rights be followed. Until this happens there will be no house cleaning done in the cesspool of DC.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

we were ‘never’ to trust in them nor the systems of man.