There Is a Solution to Our Educational Dilemma

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1 day ago

I saw this over forty years ago. And remember Jay Leno’s MAN ON THE STREET interviews? It has just gotten worse. Thank government schools. But, when the things go SHTF sporty, these rather nice-looking young girls will be able to sell their physical charms for food and water. Read or re-read Selco’s SHTF stories. Grim stuff. Bleib ubrig.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 day ago

How many of them have an only fans? I ask to point out they may already be selling their “physical charms” to pathetic simps in order to fund their spring break junket, with no societal collapse even needed to justify such degeneracy. Set your expectations exceedingly low, this is clown world, after all.

1 day ago

The solution is a qualified vote. You grasp the basics, as in a citizenship test, and you are not on any form of welfare, you can vote. Otherwise no. There is the incentive to get educated. We need no DOE.

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
21 hours ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Repeal the 19th. Start there, then your qualifications would apply only to men. Owning property would be another needed requirement.

18 hours ago
Reply to  Sgt. Schulz

It was men who passed the 19th and all those before (11th forward). What makes you think it would be any different 15 yrs from now?

1 day ago

Well, the female-appearing ones probably own functioning vaginas so they’ll do OK for the long term.
Because, why would they need brains if they already have the above equipment?

Oops! I forgot: one of them is majoring in “Elementary Education.” (Then they all devolve into synchronized giggles).* That will be SOOOOO valuable a commodity when the SHTF!

*Synchronized Giggles will be a Summer Olympics Event in the coming Games.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 day ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

“*Synchronized Giggles will be a Summer Olympics Event in the coming Games.”

You think that will be more successful than the Olympic Game’s foray into break dancing as an official event?

1 day ago

It’s actually not going as well for them as you might imagine, vajayjayor no.
In their 20’s they get banged by Chad and Tyrone, who never commits but they love the attention. Next they become “alpha widows” who believe that, since they once had access and attention from Chad, that they can get him to commit, but he never will. Then they hit their 30’s and realize their eggs are almost gone, and they panic looking for someone to “wife them up”. Then they hit their 40’s and make tiktoks about how they love the single life. Modern women are mostly a disaster.
Recent data predicts that 45% of women between ages 25 and 44 will be single and childless by the time 2030 rolls around. The number of single women in the U.S. is expected to rise 1.2% every year.
If SHTF there will be so many of them looking for an arrangement they will have a problem finding one. Warlords will have harems.

1 day ago
Reply to  SWRichmond

Sadly, you are dead-on!

1 day ago

They’re all uneducated dimwits with an I. Q. of less then 95 and they have all the symptoms of the bell curve transferred from the negroes into the useless white trash brains. As long as they keep thinking and using there vaginas with every piece of male filth they come in contact with there will be no change with these dolts.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo
1 day ago

Not just that we’re not getting the ROI that we should be. A very good chunk of those billions are being laundered directly to the democrat party as well.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 day ago

If this is what will inherit our country then I weep for America.

kal kal
kal kal
1 day ago

the youth of America demonstrating why we ranked 41st in education.

1 day ago

The ONLY SOLUTION is the 100 % removal of government from any and ALL involvement in education…including STEALING for parents from property owners, controlling techer schools, licensing requirements, and everything else. Only a fully competitive free market in educational services including charity schools, business sponsored schools, private voluntary scholarships, online, co-op, home neighborhood schools, etc.can EVER hope to deliver the accountable, quality education that parents, students, and society deserve.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 day ago

Buyer beware. Will what follows all of these gubmint cuts open the door for something worse? Asking for a friend.

23 hours ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Hopefully the free market and competition will step in. The worst thing that could happen is if the Republicans, as they typically do, hand the government-protected monopoly over to one of their big donors to run, thus maintaining the failed monopoly with privatized profits.

19 hours ago

Absolutely Pathetic! I weep for the future!

12 hours ago

she hasn’t gotten to their math skills yet. I’ve hired quite a few young people over the last twenty years in an engineering environment. They possess no math skills that could be applied on day one. We had to teach them basic Trig to make them productive.