Sadly, as the world has heard in many speeches by the US president, he hasn’t got a clue that his “empire” is collapsing around him.
But regrettably for Biden, the US isn’t an empire at all but a bankrupt nation without leadership. But even worse, the US has just in a final act of desperation not just shot itself in the foot but in the head.
Very few, if any, of today’s world leaders understand the consequences of their actions and clearly not Biden.
As the world is experiencing the end of an economic era, we are getting the leaders that we deserve and thus the appropriate ones to take the world to Armageddon.
So the world is now entering the final battle, a battle with totally incompetent heads of state which will lead to everyone losing.
The route to Armageddon will be disastrous for the world. Distressed leaders will take calamitous actions, exacerbating not only their own country’s problem, but also the rest of the world’s.
And that is exactly what we are seeing now with the worst possible concoction of debt deficits, currency debasement and decadence. The consequences were of course always predictable based on history. But no leader in the current era is a real student of history. And that is why the world is in such a mess.
Anyone espousing facts is considered a threat to the globalists’ new world order. Regular people do not want to face reality and label the facts as “doom porn”. Marginalizing the truth is not an effective strategy as we watch the world devolve into wars, economic chaos, famine and health tyranny.
This is not another article to preach to the choir. Although no man knows the date and the time, we know that the times that we have been warning about and preparing are now here. May God have mercy on those responsible for leading our country into armageddon (little “a”) for their temporal glory for I believe those of us in the “choir” will not.
David DeGerolamo
PLANNED STARVATION: Grain deliveries by rail to be partially HALTED, devastating dairy herds and meat operations nationwide –
Prepare yourself. I believe it is about to go live.
Hopefully it will before we are to weak to do anything Irod.
Christians are beginning to realize that we are at the end of the gentile age. In 10 years it will be 2000 years since Christ died on the cross for us.
I go back and forth about the “leaders” of this nation and other countries too. First question I am being forced to ask is if they are humans or if maybe they’ve taken more gene altering medications than the general population thereby negating their human qualities. I read a recent article where the majority of vaccinated people supported a nuclear war.
I’m not in that group and don’t plan to be.
The only real option left to man is: are you saved and are you being transformed into the image of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. The United States will not escape judgement.
“Very few, if any, of today’s world leaders understand the consequences of their actions and clearly not Biden.”. Unless of course the purpose is to destroy the USA and lead the world into the final anti-Christ system after our collapse . TPTB know exactly what they are doing . They will not stop or slow down until we the people stop them .
Joe is done for. Buttigeig is his replacement. Soon.