There is no Judeo-Christian civilization in the West

Alexander Dugin

The escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine is undoubtedly a unifying factor in the Islamic world. Western conservatives are once again bringing up the argument that Judeo-Christian civilization stands in the way of Islam, and Hamas’s radical ideology provides them with a convenient excuse to do so. However, societies that have legitimized various abnormalities under the influence of strong atheism and materialism have now abandoned theology and traditional values ​​and are now seen as Christian or Jewish societies. It would be difficult to do so.

If the West is supporting Israel as it is now, there must be something seriously wrong. Because if a demonic civilization is on your side, you’re probably doing something wrong. I think that the idea of ​​a unified world of Judaism and Christianity does not actually exist. That can also be called an unrealistic idea. On the other hand, the Islamic world does exist, and strong traditions still exist within it. Therefore, the conflict here is not considered to be between Judaism or Christianity and Islam, but rather between Islam and the Dajjal, the demonic culture of the West. The idea that Biden would simultaneously advance support for Ukraine and Israel emphasizes that the West will always stand by those who submit to and serve their hegemony, and that Muslims have been seen as enemies of Ukraine in the past. , its existence as an ally of Russia (with the exception of apocalyptic Iran and Syria) is a sign that its future policy will change.

Russia occupies a position as one pole of a multipolar world order. Similarly, Islam is another important pole in a multipolar world. Both of these poles are opposed to the West’s attempts to maintain unipolarity and its global dominance at all costs. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict was not once a major point of conflict between civilizations, but it is now. And tensions between Russia and Ukraine were also regional, until the West backed the far-right in Kiev. But then the conflict in Ukraine became a front in the global conflict between the multipolar and unipolar worlds.

This conflict is escalating day by day, and the world situation is becoming more and more gloomy. It is a sobering reality that billions of people around the planet view the West and its allies as the civilization of absolute evil, the Antichrist.

Only Trump’s return to American leadership, or the eruption of a full-scale civil war in the United States, may be the only way to save or delay the world from a catastrophic fate. Democrats, supporters of globalism, and neo-conservatives are pushing humanity into chaos. And their actions can be said to be like those caused by the devil.

Translation: Kazuhiro Hayashida


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ell jay
ell jay
1 year ago

Be aware of this one thing: there are planet of Jews that follow the “teachings” of the Talmud, not the Torah, Those people are enemies of Christianity and are the same group that put Jesus to death.
Just do a search for “Talmudic Jews”. I am not anti Israel but am anti Christs!

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I noticed a pattern in Name’s posts in the last few days.

Not constructive and seems edgy disruptive.

Curiouser and Curiouser said the Cheshire Cat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael


Troublemakers are never an asset in times of troubles.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Matthew 25:30

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Did he mentioned Sunni vs Shiite Muslims? They often don’t get along either. Kill them all and let God sort them out.

1 year ago

Russia is evil. Islam is evil. The leftists busy destroying America and the Western world are evil. Life is complicated. It isn’t always good vs evil. Sometimes it’s evil vs evil vs evil with good being the collateral damage.