There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This! Ask Yourself This, Has Voting Ever Made A Difference?

The following are recent quotes from commenters this week.

“Get involved in the party, run for office yourself or find someone worth voting for and support their candidacy. Voting and not voting are equally passive and of little help when our enemies get to choose who the candidates are.”

“How’s that voting working out for you? How is not voting working out for you? Speech without deeds and action is just so much bloviating hot air. It should be obvious that your enemies know this. All their speech is backed up with deeds and actions.”

“Vote, even though it may make no difference. If you don’t vote you are simply rolling over and giving up. We can drop back to the second option any time, any place. Question, what do you have to loose [sic] by voting?”

Albert Einstein once said “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”.

Well here we are. It appears we are insane. I’m being told we must continue to vote for the lesser of two evils. If your vote could even get close to really changing the power structure of DC or your state Capitol or even your county, then you wouldn’t be allowed to vote! It still amazes me to see written and spoken word to the effects of voting, needing a third party and so forth. I for one am done voting for lesser of two evils.

If you think you are going to vote these bastards out next go round then we’ve already lost. Any issues from the previous elections been solved? Nope, just more of the same to come. We need to start thinking about actually fighting for Freedom. Remember these people want us dead. This is a fight to the death and right now we’re pretty much letting them know we’re not even in the fight. We need to quit playing by the rules because they sure as hell aren’t. The rule of law is dead and we need to start acting accordingly.

It all boils down to this, There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This! Once you accept that and understand what that means, then you are mentally prepared for what lies ahead, other than that you are living in fantasy land.

It’s sad that the vast majority on our side are still putting faith in just one more “most important election of our lifetime.” It is shocking to hear people holding out hope that Republicans could win big in the next election. Ask yourself, has it ever made a difference?

There is no way to vote our way out of this. Submit or Fight are our only options at this point. Voting is being used to justify inaction plain and simple. Those who advocate for voting in a rigged system are delusional. You are only hoping to delay the inevitable. We all know what needs to be done. The problem is nobody wants to be first. Nobody wants to risk their cushy, comfortable lifestyle.

Then I’ve been noticing comments like this:

“You do realize that DHS is going to be looking at this article, be very careful what you say or post, FJB is watching and waiting to bury any and all white population he can!!”

Why should I be afraid to exercise my free speech? Why should I live in fear? Our founding fathers thought freedom of speech was so important that they made it first in our Bill of Rights.

There are very difficult days ahead of us, and difficult decisions to be made by all. I’ve made my peace with my decisions. I know what I am willing to do. The only problem is I seem to be alone in my beliefs at this moment and I have no desire to be a martyr.

I really don’t know what else to say other than TINVOWOOT!


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2 years ago

Yes indeed. You’re not alone.

2 years ago

You had Bush sr as VP to Reagan for 8 years. Then President for 8 years. Then Billy boy for 8. Bush Jr for 8 and then Obongo for 8 with Hillary in his camp.
Add all that up and you can argue the same 2 families have been in or around this countries leadership for almost half a century. Then you could bring in Bush senior with the CiA before his vp and Reagans possible departure due to lead poisoning. Hillary after Barry and big Mike, etc. Go back and see how many ex presidents were either CFR OR triLateral commission.
Voting is having various bowls of stink pickles in front of you and sampling each to see which is the best possible choice available.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ackerman

Bush sr, was only 4 years.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

My bad. Sorry I was going off the top of my head.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ackerman

We all knew that except for dave.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Who cares > He did enough damage for 20 years.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

4 years too many. Just sayin’. The guy was an uber Nazi. GW was a goober Nazi…but still a chip off the old turd.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  Ackerman

Politicians are corrupt and compromised and are planning to go along w/ this which will turn us into a Marxist dictatorship w/ no rights. problem there are few patriots left to fight back and most are over 65 w/ health problems. Younger ones (majority) have no idea that this country is trashing 24/7 and few older ones even care what type society their g’kids live in.

2 years ago

That’s why I tell the few people that will listen that this has been planned for years. The boiling the frog analogy. Infiltrate the schools and raise young socialist/communist “brown shirt” minded pawns. 2-3 generations of that while not teaching them actual history about socialism ect. Majority of society makes decisions based off emotions now. Then collapse the family structure by mom having to work as well and have the schools raise your children and tell the children to tattle on their parents if they don’t agree with them. Luckily I was born and raised in Montana and as always we are a generation behind on most things so it was easy to compare and contrast the new and the old. Imo this country is basically a corpse and the elite are merely picking its bones for power and financial gain awaiting the planned transition.
Just my opinion naturally.

2 years ago

It is apparent to some of us, a fight for freedom is coming again to this country.
In any conflict, the side that runs out of food and energy first, looses. Be able to produce your own food and energy, if you want to prevail.
This economy is very unstable and can’t be counted on to produce anything, long term especially during any conflict.

Get out of the city, if you are in one, plant a garden and buy solar panels, batteries and inverters!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Way too late for that, that might extend your life a few months but the last days are upon us, You will either be killed or die from starvation. When people see their children crying for food, the parents will throw their guns out and surrender, Fema camp will be their next stop.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tony

You and those of like mind are just useful idiots if you think you have a clue about the outcome. Almighty God is a God of army’s not just spiritual but flesh and blood, so why don’t you surrender already.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Anyone is an idiot to give up their guns whether there is a civil war or not, as crime will increase as people run out of basic supplies or gas.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

If you’re putting your faith in God, go talk to all the believers in Dresden, Stalingrad, Hiroshima, NY, etc…. Didn’t work out well for them!

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  tony

People don’t realize the majority kissed up to Fauci, Gates, Trump and Biden and lined up like dimwits for the DNA altering injections and still are (4th shot). There will be few motivated patriots today who will fight for their families and most are past retirement.

No name
No name
2 years ago

In a few years, most if not all the dimwits will be dead.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Colder climates this winter will be a disaster if there is no natural gas anywhere, or heating oil which is common in the N.E. (New England). Are there enough able bodied patriots to fight back ? I doubt it from talking to others. Oathkeepers is defunct I heard.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Lawnmore, yours is the best advice of all. Food will be their weapon of choice. It’s much easier to starve people than to confiscate their weapons. Get rural house and property, grow your own food and get off the grid. People like Tony have a bad case of “giveupitis,” always negative, giving up before the fight begins. Have your own “line in the sand “ drawn, and when they come to do you harm, then fight to the death if necessary, but only if there is no peaceful option. Wes, I agree that it is not worth martyring yourself when no one has your back. Sadly, I don’t see my countrymen rising to the occasion, as our forefathers did in 1775-6, or as my Confederate ancestors did in 1861. I still say that secession of individual States is the only, possible, peaceful solution.

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Isn’t it interesting Rob that on the harbor amongst the waters stands the Statue of Liberty . After a lifetime of bible study I have come to believe that New York is that great City that shall be ” destroyed in one hour “. Coming soon . The prophets have been saying about 2022 that we should ” brace yourself for impact”.

2 years ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

Robehr, I agree, New York sounds like and fits the description of Mystery Babylon…to be so is to take it out of contents to the Biblical meaning…for example, Mecca also fits the description and because of the muslim ties and Middle East location it is highly likely this can be the place, but I’m not saying it is. I don’t believe we’ve reached clarity to the point of any certainty.
Just my thoughts to share.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Mecca was never near as great as NY for being the commerce capital of the world, And mecca has never been known for spewing filth to corrupt the whole world. I would give LA that award. I think the harlot is NY and the modern day Sodom and Gamora is LA..

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

In the Bible Tel Aviv is a city in Babylon.
Now it is just the world’s greatest city of vice.

2 years ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

Babylon is “global”.. And btw, satan as antichrist will rule from Jerusalem, not New York…

2 years ago
Reply to  krm

My quess is that the AC will be black, Barrack Hussein Insane Obongo. Just look how the entire world worships all the black men, especially the evil homo Obongo who is married to a man, Big mike. The world fell out unconcience at his campains. Now that is super natural demonic power
The bible said the AC will arrive on the scene out of no where . with no one knowing anything about his back ground, ie, fake birth certificate, locked and sealed collage records , (which no doubt NEVER existed.) A homo sexual man who doe not desire women. Also the harlot will be riding in on a horse, second in line to president is Kamala Harris, famous for being a big harlot. Heels Up harris is her nic name, Kamala is Also black.
Now im not trying to hate on anybody of color, but the facts that I have shared speak VOLUMS.
all the ACs descriptions come straight from the bible. and i didnt name all of them, But they all match up to Obongo to a tee.

Last edited 2 years ago by tony
2 years ago
Reply to  tony

Wow, what Bible are you reading? What the bible actually says is that the first century was the last days, and John called it the last hour. The reason is because the Anti-Christ had already come. 1 John 2:18-19. The Great harlot is first century Jerusalem -- the great city where our Lord was crucified. Rev. 11:2, 8, 13. EVERYTHING in the book of Revelation has already happened. Some of the evil in it looks like the evil today, because it is the same evil. But it is not talking about our world. Try reading it as if you are a Christian who lived in AD 68 it was written to them after all. Here is a book that will clear it up for you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

KAMALA HARRIS. Can it be any clearer ?What is she famous for ? Heals Up Harris is her ni name. Shes next in line any day now. when they wheel off the vegetable Bidong to the nursing home.

Last edited 2 years ago by tony
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The vote is the knife being used to cut our own throats, at the end of this month they will sign a treaty to give the UN and WHO all the power necessary to enforce whatever measures are required in a health crisis. We have exhausted all measures to right what was left of the Republic, there is nothing left but ashes. I see only one way forward at this point and it involves picking up our arms and fighting to restore our Republic, period.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Unfortunately, I believe you are correct Tom

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

We must not comply to lockdowns, vaccines or shutting down businesses. We also have guns if there is enough patriots to fight back, which seems unlikely. We will have to fight back in the communty. Most will comply just like msot got the shots.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I would like to add, Wes you are not alone, I will not stop saying what I believe out of fear of reprisals or threats by this illegal regime.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

yep. Fuck them all! I walked the battlefields of yorktown and jamestown every year. Tree of Liberty is wilting…

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  nnnn

Yep time to refresh it.

2 years ago
Reply to  nnnn

You might be , but you arent fighting anyone.

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

Our friendly neighbors at the local post office are typing names and url’s down right now to share with homeland security . We have a lady that visits our home church group that has some kin involved in the spy detail .I will not give any more info on that person lest tptb indentify and purge the source . She told me about my package from Israel that involved some tactical supplies that was waylaid for two weeks after the company Zahal was told it was delivered .I personally talked to the customer service rep and they told me it showed delivered two weeks prior . I could tell by the package it had been opened and examined several times before they finally delivered it . I got a bunch of fingerprints from the retaping process they performed at least three times according to the prints . Cellophane makes a great fingerprint media. Apparently they consider me a threat . One day soon we will get to purge our republic of Quislings . I look forward to that day of no mercy . They will do anything for that pension , heh . They really think they will get it , heh . You should see the way I get looked at when I drop off mail to the local branch . On an interesting side note my nerd buddy showed me the “code name” they now have given to me . Polish Sword . I’m Irish but I consider it an honor , The Poles are straight out fine warriors and people . Probably shoulda used my vpn and an alias but I’m gettin’ old and quite ready to go home . But I ain’t going alone , heh .

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

It is coming, there is no way to stop it, I will not submit or surrender, persistence above all else. My ancestry is Scotch Irish also, this adds to our terrorist classification and whiteness. NO MERCY when it starts.

Paul Morgan
Paul Morgan
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

No one who opposes the current unelected regime will be given any quarter by them or their henchman. Lock and load and shoot to kill is their plan. It’s also mine!

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul Morgan

yep! No quarter. Im on the az/mex border. FULL SCALE INVASION IN PROGRESS. MASSIVE numbers of illegal muslims, hispanics, haitians are being shipped all over the US. In border towns RAPES on female children have already occurred!!!!
We all will have to ‘cleanse’ at some point in order to achieve reclamation. Yet, western demographics are abysmal and the govt’s are trying to combat that decline with illegal immigration.

2 years ago
Reply to  nnnn

and oNLY God will do the cleansing, If Americans did all of a sudden grow a backbone . it still wouldnt heip. Things are far far out of our countrol. especiallly when we have a satanic communist government and Media that have ALL the power of the military and food.

Last edited 2 years ago by tony
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tony

Sorry to say your already in the fema camp, who can know the mind of God almighty. Throughout history men and women of God have faced far greater odds. I fear no man their defeat is at hand.

2 years ago

DITTO we need a few good men!

2 years ago

Best article I’ve read so far!

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

Am slowly building up my preparations. Last night me and my spouse went over our finances, and we’re pretty well at peace in that department. I didn’t have the courage to tell her it will all be for naught when the bullets start flying. But that’s gonna be the way it is. Last weekend the guys in our “gun club” got together are rehearsed a few items. We’re beginning to prepare. Are we brave or are we Cowards? Time will tell. God bless you all, he’s all we have to depend on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

seeing how much of a coward i am and then getting pissed off about it resulted in discovering my BALLS

2 years ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Rehearse wont help. We should have been Organized by exMilitary men years ago. Its too late now. I have never seen a communist country be overthrown by its own people. at least not a country with the greatest military weapons in the world.

2 years ago

DHS is a criminal domestic terrorist organization bent on destroying everything the Founders established. They and all similar to them are the ENEMY.

fuck them. i hope they read this. bring it.

2 years ago

When you tried to warn people over the last 30 years or so about the communists and globalists taking over our government and taking away our freedoms and our very lives, they just called you a conspiracy theorist. So what exactly makes you think they are going to listen now?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Amen, especially when they have are a bunch of money loving drug addicts.

2 years ago

Voting is fake, merely a cathartic release for the sheeple.

2 years ago

“If you think you are going to vote these bastards out next go round then we’ve already lost.”


2 years ago

There is no winning or leaving Mystery Babylon… Only the KING OF KINGS will bring it down all at once, and restore order -- forever…

Last edited 2 years ago by krm
2 years ago
Reply to  krm


2 years ago

The Kangaroo one pretty much sums it all up.
The air is ripe with normalcy bias, but i think the coming famine will wake folks up.

Vlad the Skewerer
Vlad the Skewerer
2 years ago

One man’s definition of insanity is another man’s definition of practice.

2 years ago

Strength and Honor Wes. You’re not alone!

2 years ago

We tried to be nice, accommodated their ways, even bent backward for them and what to we get in return? A uckfed as s.
We need to nFARCE the law and do some hangings, DAMMIT! Show the world their sleepy heads hanging from a rope and this will STOP their nonsense.
It stopped Saddam, Mussolini, etc. You never heard about them anymore. So it should be with these current batch of Satanists so they never other YOU anymore.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
2 years ago

Here’s how I see it, Wes…I go kinetic the moment the enemy decides to go kinetic.It’s called self defense.

When enough people decide to defend themselves then you’ve got a pick up game.

“Know your enemy”

Rash action at this point will only help your enemy because they have not yet fully identified themselves. It’s the weasels hiding in the shadows that need ending the most.

Don’t shoot the doe before the buck has shown himself my friend.

We’re hunters. Think like one. It’s where our true strength lies.

2 years ago

You are not alone, Wes. I agree with the musings of Brandon Smith over at who opines that this can go down only one way: the Elites will be annihilated. Sooner or later they’ll run out of end-arounds and will have to come after us gun-toting “strays” in the field, many with military experience and training. We outnumber them, people, by the tens of millions. They fear us. I’m also convinced that nukes will not be used, as the Elites wish to preserve their comfortable, narcissistic lifestyle while depriving us of our basic freedoms. It’s all up to us. We can RESIST or we can SERVE. Those are our two choices. How you decide is up to you. Successful resistance has a recent historical precedent. read it, and educate yourself:

2 years ago

Their intent is to replace Americans with obedient illegal citizens!

2 years ago

Voting is for SLAVES

Camille Patterson
Camille Patterson
2 years ago

You are not alone. There are many of us who are of the same mind.

2 years ago

Actually, yes, voting has made a difference in many cases when enough people take part. Recently I was spared another property tax hike because enough voters said NO to the proposed levies.
I’m reading that school boards are being replaced because enough parents are fed up with their nonsense, and voting them out.
Larger than predicted voter turnout has flipped elections before, and can do so again. And can overwhelm any election fraud scheme. (Go ask Hillary.)
In my own opinion, people who don’t vote are obviously content with how things are. They are too lazy to attempt the simple fix of voting these useless people out of office.
And it really does not matter who the President is (in the US). The gang of 535 has far more power and control. The Presidents job is to carry out the will of the people…. which is Congress.
Stop re-electing any of them (there’s your term limits). In November, all 435 House members and a third of the Senate should be handed their hats!
That plagiarizing dirtbag (Einstein) was right (even if he stole that saying too), about what insanity is….. stop voting for any incumbent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wolf

Also, (in a perfect world), voters would stop believing the candidates lies and promises….. Make them sign a legally binding contract of exactly what they will or will not do. No signature…. No vote.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf
Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
2 years ago

There are problems with allowing people to vote. First, most voters don’t take the time to research what it is and who they are voting for. Second, many voters vote emotionally without any rational basis. Third, many voters vote for a party instead of considering the effect the party platform will have. And, fourth, most voters don’t take responsibility for their vote. They think that the person they’re considering will fix everything simply because they are told it will happen. When it doesn’t they don’t blame themselves for their irresponsibility or the person who quite literally lied to them or the party. it’s always some other person or the other party. When, in fact it is they who created the situation that went south.

Black Pete
Black Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Eyes of Horus

You destroyed “the West” when you destroyed Germany and Japan in WW2

Carl Chadwick
Carl Chadwick
2 years ago


Jesus Christ was once asked that question of “WHAT TO DO”:
Luke 10:25 “And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 

And Jesus tells the man “WHERE” to go to find the answer:
Luke 10:26 “He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?” 

And the man gives his answer to Jesus with the “HOW”:
Luke 10:27 “And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” 

Jesus gives the man His approval, of his answer of “What TO DO”:
Luke 10:28 “And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.” 

But then, the man doesn’t like the answer, and looks for an excuse:
Luke 10:29 “But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?” (KJV) 

Don’t be someone who looks for excuses. Instead, everyone should first look for their answers of “What should I be doing now” in the King James Holy Bible (beginning in the Law of God)!

No name
No name
2 years ago

Think I’m stupid? I will not say what I think anymore…but, I am prepared.