There is something really wrong

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2 years ago

The majority of Americans are law abiding citizens because they understand it is the ‘right’ path to walk. The minority of American hating people have stolen their positions of power from law abiding citizens through lies and stolen elections. The end result is lawlessness on a scale that once was unimaginable.
From the office of the presidency, SCOTUS, both branches of government, State offices, down to the educational systems, and the parents raising children. No one takes responsibility for their actions and they know it because a system has been put into place that tells those in charge they are not responsible. The problems of children on up to the highest office are not to blame, there is a fictitious name given for said syndrome that will exonerate you. Just point your finger to whatever mental problem and the courts will allow lawlessness to continue. The crimes goes unpunished.
There are a couple of generations now living with the belief they are not responsible for their actions. They are now in charge because the law abiding, American loving citizens have given their power to them.
Heavenly father forgive us our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us.