There Will Be No “Collapse”

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1 year ago

I would agree that will mostly be how it goes, until the Abomination of Desolation takes place. Them any of us left here on this earth it will be game one. For a few years at least. Spoiler alert: we do win in the end. It will be a rough ride for many though.

1 year ago

It’s been this way for decades for a majority of the population, the natural decline of letting ‘the others’ determine and shape the collective culture, and have leverage over the power structures. It’s more so being realized for more of the middle and upper middle economic classes now. This points out that they were not as foundational to the economic structure, as was often touted by them and many conservative talking points. In fact, the surplus from their labor and earnings was used to invert and subvert the economic system, rendering it only viable, profitable and expansive for those that share the purse of power. Their plans to replace workers with robots is forthcoming. Look at where all that toil and lack of organizing and coordinating (by the workers) got people…they didn’t need bargaining power, only a job, was the mantra. It’s just about invasion time.

1 year ago

America has been defeated without a kinetic battle being waged, through 5th Generation subversive tactics. Tolerance, and cowardice are the culprits.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gen.Patton

And normalcy bias.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 year ago

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
This how the movie “The Stand” starts.


Billy Rally
Billy Rally
1 year ago
Reply to  Bigus Macus

It’s how Steven King’s novel “The Stand” begins.

1 year ago

Now, that is a truly depressing scenario.

1 year ago

Yes, this scenario is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union. Three families of different origin living in three rooms of the same apartment. Every apartment had a kitchen with three tables for each family. Need I say more?

1 year ago

Most of that has already happened… and I agree. There won’t be a collapse unless the DHS Zombie Hazard Command is real and their two year timeline (from last year?) is real.
Global Research just reported: “Naples, Italy – 19 year old Greek female navy cadet Talia who was on board the Prometheus ship died 48hr after feeling unwell on Aug. 23, 2022.
Upon arrival in the Italian city, the cadet was taken to the hospital, where she developed a hemorrhagic rash, and then sepsis. The patient’s clinical picture worsened “right before our eyes”, as a result, she ended up in intensive care. Doctors from Greece also went to Italy, but the girl died on Aug.25, 2022.”
That is the first “hemorrhagic rash” I’ve come across since the older folks with their skin sloughing off after their 2nd Pfizer injection in 2021.
And I won’t buy into any scenario that suggests I kick back and wait for a greater authority rescue… The White Russians fell for that, and look where they ended up -- millions starved to death.
Is anyone paying attention to the’s MegaRegions project? The western 2/3rd’s of NC is slated to be the northeastern part of “The Piedmont” Megaregion. Right now, there are 857 farms between Charlotte and the mountains. This Piedmont Megaregion would be right on top of these farms.

1 year ago

Respectfully disagree, for a lot of reasons. Hemingway has been quoted here many times for saying “slowly at first and then all at once” or some slight variant on that, regarding bankruptcy. That is how it is going to roll out and I think soon.

1 year ago

Well, if this is how the collapse happens, please wake up cuz by definition, we are collapsing as we read this.
What scares or shakes me to my core is ~40% of the people are happy with this, while another 20% to 30% are clueless to what is going on. That includes RINO’s such as Nikki Haley and Asa Hutchinson. They want to kill less babies than Socialist so Independents will vote for them.