Either We Stand Now and FIGHT!!! Or We suffer a fate worse than any people throughout the History of man have ever seen.
I have no more words. Everything I have written, Every word I have Ever published, I have meant Everything.
I guess it depends on how things go with this war, whether or not I come back to share anymore of my thoughts.
I’ll be watching.
War Is Here!!!
A New Declaration of Independence
When in the Course of human events which impelled our Founding Fathers to form a new Nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created free and equal and endowed by their Creator with the inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, they determined to declare the reasons which inspired them to such a noble cause.
Because we hold to these same self-evident truths, we seek to adhere to these same timeless principles and to conduct our lives in a way which shows ourselves worthy of the precious legacy which has been handed down to us by such brave and honorable men.
WE are the worthy posterity of our noble Founding Fathers.
WE are the ones who have kept their Covenant and Constitution.
WE are the ones who recognize and revere the God of nature who has blessed us with the fruits of their labor.
All we have ever required of our fellow countrymen is to respect our Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and, in turn, we have respected theirs.
Now our endowed Rights have been stolen by those especially entrusted for their protection.
Those who were created equal to us now think they have been elevated above us merely due to the office they have acquired solely through our good graces.
The Governments which have been instituted among us exclusively for the protection of our Rights, have become destructive of those very ends.
Our Safety and Happiness have been abused and usurped.
The principles upon which our Country was established are now distorted and derided, if they are remembered at all. As all of history shows, the pursuit of such a Government is designed to reduce us to absolute despotism.
Because we understand it is no light thing to alter, abolish or institute new Government, for far too long we have tried to content ourselves while evils were sufferable. But now there is no rule of law and our patience is viewed by our abusers only as consent to more abuse.
These are the Facts of the Tyranny we have endured at the hands of our elected Governors, Mayors, Judges, Sheriffs, Police, and various County and City Officials, as well as through their unholy alliance with unelected Unions, Social Justice Organizations, and Bureaucratic Agencies and Social Media:
- We are no longer Equal Citizens before the Law or Society. We are divided along non-existent intersectional fault lines and granted special Rights and Privileges based on perceived grievances or denied them according to the same superficial criteria.
- We have no Right to the Fruit of our Labor. Our property can be seized and our livelihoods destroyed on the whim of a mob or the arbitrary designation of an elected official.
- Our history is rewritten, eradicated, distorted and despised.
- Our elected officials issue mandates and decrees with no rational scientific, economic, or legal basis. Moreover, they themselves do not adhere to the same rules they create and enforce under threat of violence.
- Our law enforcement punishes the law abiding while cowering before the criminal elements of society. Our judicial system protects the guilty while crushing the innocent with all the power at its disposal.
- We are censored, marginalized, and ostracized in the public and private sphere for not championing evil as good and good as evil.
- There are no checks and balances within our political, judicial or economic systems. An unholy alliance between these three segments of society forms a bulwark which allows for no questioning or redress.
- Our religious Liberty is trampled upon, our churches are locked down as “non-essential” and our deeply held convictions are banned as “hate speech.”
- Our families endure never-ending attacks and an uncertain future from the constant upheaval of random interference and overreach. Our children are denied their education, normal interaction with relatives and friends, and every hallmark of childhood itself.
- Our last check on Tyranny, which are free and fair elections, is nothing but a charade. Outcomes are predetermined, fraud is rampant, and there is no recourse.
Because of their insatiable thirst for power, ignorance of history, arrogant and incorrect assumptions, intolerance for freedom, and contempt for their own heritage, these Tyrants and traitors within seek to conform us to their own will and unachievable Utopian vision. But because of their rejection of the God of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, they can only create a Hell on earth. This is a vision we reject and an agenda with which we cannot and will not comply. Because our abusers will never relent, they must be ended. We understand what this will entail, what will be required of us, and the personal cost we may well have to pay, but Freedom is so dear and our Legacy so worthy, that we are ready for this great undertaking.
Knowing that our God is Faithful, our Cause is Just and our Liberty more precious than Life itself, we take up our Founder’s mantle and engrave on our hearts the words of their Great Seal: Tyrannis Seditio, Obsequium Deo “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God.”
There’s Nothing Left To Say!!!
Enjoy the show, my ass! Gonna be one hell’ava, nasty show!! Worldwide, the majority are completely disgusted. And it’s coming…..death is coming in more ways than a vaccine!!
I agree, this is the line…. but I think its a probe, a faint.
They already let the postal workers off the hook, wasn’t even 24 hours. Today more unions will say get bent… and they will have identified their intelligence goals and regroup.
Let the people push back, take a foot, give back 9 inches. Repeat.
2 steps forward, 1 step back
A probe or a feint but nevertheless War.
Nazgul indeed.
How odd. Our overlords in DC are exempt from the vaccine “mandates”?
The only thing i’ve left to say is, “no quarter.”
“I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace” — Thomas Paine
Amen to that! Godspeed
A gazillion upvotes.
We are not the men are forefathers were, we have already surrendered our will and lives to this great evil set upon us. May God have mercy on our pitiful souls.
You may have surrendered, and many others, but millions still wait for the knock on the door which will be the go signal. When you see the whites of their eyes you will know what to do…
I have not surrendered, you have one more line in the sand for them to cross? Talk is cheap maybe on the way to the concentration camp or the firing squad.
Its not talk but actions. When the time comes few will stand. Most will kneel.
“When you see the whites of their eyes…”
Low on powder? Still using a Musket? Don’t forget to aim low!
And which “knock on the door” do you speak of? There have been lots of knocks on the door. Maybe not your door, but many doors nonetheless. Is it a special kind of knock on the door? Maybe it’s a coded knock on the door? Or, maybe it’s a certain number of knocks on doors? Is it one? A thousand? A hundred thousand? Maybe a million?
I am reminded of these guys.
When the knock comes you’ll be surrounded. Your neighbor, waiting for the knock on his door, will be surrounded as well. His neighbor…ditto. Your “strategy” will result in each and every one of you being picked off piecemeal. The regime is perfectly aware that libertarians are psychologically incapable of organizing and coordinating an effective long-term resistance.
I worked overseas for 33 years and learned a great deal. You pick the time and place of engagement, you make the enemy fear. You make them tremble in their homes at night. Let them fear open the mail box, or a trip to the store. Let them know the fear of sending their children on a school bus. And gas mains can go boom in federal buildings and its amazing what propane tanks can do.
The words of a coward. If they are knocking on your door, it is already too late. The elites don’t care about the lives of cops, and cops care so much that they do whatever it takes to stay alive. Including using exploding robots (Dallas shooter), pumping in tear gas until an ignition source ignites it (Waco, cop shooter in CA a few years back), or not knocking and just shooting everyone inside (too many to list.)
Any negative bullshit like this is probably an enemy algorhythm or bot, with the sole purpose of trying and divide us or demoralize us. I AM THE MAN my forefathers envisioned to uphold the ideals of a Great Society built on freedom. Stand and be counted, strong men and women of America, and let the Eeyore’s of the world fOck off. We stand united!!!
Like I said talk is cheap, we are under communist control the tyrants do not fear you or me. Join team America JeffreyPrather.com. I bet they are shaking in there boots with all this BS talk.
Like many of “our” sort, I have sat back and let time oversee the many problems we have faced. This will no longer help. “They” will take the mile when they have been given an inch. Take back your yards if you can. I am of an age that I am no longer concerned with keeping my head down and my name unknown. I face “them” from my wheelchair with full expectation of being overrun. But in being overrun, I slow “them” down a little so that a MAN can have a few more seconds to prepare.
Thank you brother, there are people preparing. The minute you buy us will not be turned back to the enemy. I may die in a ditch, but I will never give them back the time you bought us.
Wes, as usual you say it well and say it all. Pray on your knees and then stand up and fight. I’m only one but ready to give it my all for my Creator, His Son and my loved ones.
There was a time when Men said their goodbyes, their prayers, and fearlessly sacrificed their lives for something greater than themselves.
Today, we have men who are struck with fear of flu with 99.97 survivability rate. These petrified men put diapers on their faces and cower in fear inside their homes.
God almighty give us the courage and will to fight.
Psalm 144:1 The Lord, my rock, trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.
Well said! +10000000
The Bible tells us to “Fear not” and I don’t plan to start. there still resides a great will in the country to fight for truth. However, there is a mass psychosis in this country of people popping their antidepressants, working their jobs, to pay their bills and taxes for the promise of a little luxury that is neither fulfilling or justly earned. Prior to 1913 people saved true wealth and had pride in it. We should have given the GOV the finger when they adopted the dollar through the federal reserve which is neither a government entity or a reserve of anything other than money from thin air. If you want to win, strike at the heart of the beast of that made all this possible. End the Fed, and everything else will fall in place.
FAILURE, Thy Name Is Biden …..
So what do you purpose we do?
Join team America, JeffreyPrather.com neighbor up train up and let us lean into the fight.
All government employees were ordered to get the shot. Except postal workers. I read somewhere that 80% of all employed black people work for the government. The demographic most likely to refuse the shot is the black people. Hey Joe, now what? If black government employees refuse to go to work because of the mandate, I think that might slow things down just a tad. And that’s not counting the non blacks that won’t get the shot. Hospitals will be short 20%-30% nurses and doctors. Medical care crisis? The collapse is coming. May we live in interesting times. Ain’t that a curse?
they were afraid of them “going postal”
Amen sir
So it has been said -- so it should be done.
I’m thinking here it might be a time for the “big wakeup” instead of the final line & drawn sabres. By that I’m referring to shutting the entire shitshow down. No food deliveries, no fuel deliveries, no deliveries of any kind for whatever reason to anywhere. For those who have not subjected themselves to the jab and those who are threatened with losing anything if they don’t get jabbed, do not go to work no matter what it is, simply everyone stay home, shut the entire country down tighter than the Australians ever though of doing. Let the lights go out, gas gets turned off nothing on the shelves, no fuel, no transportation nothing moving. Here ya go comrade, jab this.
And you are absolutely right. I’ve said the same thing in the past. All communication and utilities. Throw everything back to the stone age and see what happens. Survival of the fittest. No mercy.
Mercy is like vengeance -- the providence of G_d.
As for me and mine; we’ll fight like wolverines.
I’ve never grasped the vanity
of wishing to die at home, in a bed.
I shall return bearing my shield, or on it.
I agree.
I assume that every Active Service Unit has a list for their local AO. When your first friend or neighbor get raided or taken by .gov thugs then you will know it’s time , and you will know what to do. Or not. It’s up to you. What would Samuel Whittemore do?
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny
They are poking us in the eye with a sharp stick nearly every day now . It is almost as if they want a rebellion . Are we playing in to their hands ? It is not incompetence but pure evil . The devil ain’t dumb . Neither is Barry . Joe , yeah , real dumb but he is merely concerned with getting his depends changed on time . Take a read on Dudumans prophecies when time permits . He prophesied this scenario exactly .
IMHO they want a reaction so they can declare martial law and call in the blue helmets.
Copying, emulating, the censorship of tyranny….of the seditious, the treasonous, and their quisling foot-soldiers is the crux of the problem.
So what can patriots do?
im ready to act
Me too. They’ll NEVER take me alive.
If you have to ask, you’ll never know.
Americans Patience Is Wearing Thin!
Razor thin.
My patience is GONE ! Biden and all his puppets are a disgrace, treasonous, traitor, of dictators. But the so-called American’s shitting their pants over this Covid Flu are still expecting we’ll go back to “normal” afterward…..what are they smoking, this goes soooo far beyond Covid and they are too blinded to see it !
[…] https://technofog.substack.com/p/the-unvaccinated-will-be-punishedhttps://ncrenegade.com/theres-nothing-left-to-say/ Did Fauci Cut A Deal?https://technofog.substack.com/p/public-health-propaganda […]
Let it be on your epitaph. We never followed our Constitution, We never bothered to hang them.
“. There’s Nothing Left To Say!!!
GodSpeed “”
No, No there is not. It’s all been spoken.
Bout Game Time
Good Luck to All
I am a Christian, but I am not a coward. I love my Father in heaven, just as my brother, Lord Jesus, did and does to this very day. Neither the Father or His Son, Lord Jesus, are cowards either. I was made in their image. I was born a free man and I will die a free man. That is what my ancestors fought and died for. I will honor them and will do the same. Could I do less? No!
To the illegal and unlawful (both by man’s law and God’s law) pretender in the White House, I say this: you have no power over me or, for that matter, neither do your satanic, globalist controllers have any power over me. The Father, the Son and myself laugh at the whole damned lot of you!
Xi JI Biden should git his son off crack, before asking me to get a NottaVaxx
The solution will contain the numerals: 12-22-223-556-357-38-9-40-10-44-45-50 & other numbers from the Good Book -- we will all be counted & there will be a countdown & then we will use these numbers to mete out justice.
Shut up with that nonsense.
The devil’s insanity is not about making sense. He has a mission to wear out the Saints, when,where and if he can. He loves to traumatize people into faithless compliance of his will. Remember this, a aware and noble people cannot be conquered., even if it means martyrdom.
They know this can’t win. Definitely a probe to draw out defenses for attack. Be calm, be prepared. Resist, Refuse.
hi, I’m sharing this file for all of us who say, ‘I’m only 1 man (or woman), what can I do?’
we don’t want to put ourselves in danger, but we’re frustrated at the evil being propagated all around us.
don’t be fooled by the title, it’s got some revolutionary ideas in it!
please check it out, & pass it around.
I say EXACTLY the same thing except in one sentence (it’s time to hunt the bastards) …. and get called a troll
F’in patriots man ..
[…] has been right at a month since I wrote the article There’s Nothing Left To Say. Things are going from bad to worse and our complacency and apathy towards the evil that we are faced […]