They are ABOUT to HEAD for THE BUNKER!!

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2 years ago

More really good advice!

2 years ago

“the eleit will ride out the collapse in luxery bunkers:” o.k…..then what??
in a year or so, when the fat cats crawl out of their under ground havens, looking for fresh supplies, do you really think that the commoners who scraped by will give a damn about their fancy titles, or who/what they were a year ago??is anybody going to care how much money they (use to) have in swiss bank accounts?? or is the over riding factor of the new economy “what do you have in your hand that i am willing to trade for, or what skills do you possess that will help me and my group?? if you have nothing, or your barter gold/silver has run out, that i want/need, then you will have to move along and try to get resupplied somewhere else.
how much gold is the last loaf of bread worth?? those who have food will survive….those who can produce food will prosper.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Maybe they will not be allowed to come out of their bunkers, on their final destination to meet their god satan.

Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

A ‘nothing burger’ of fear mongering, designed to keep the grifting profitably ongoing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

Nothing but Cuckservative Inc fear mongering, to keep the profitable wheel of grifting rolling on.