They Are All Going To Jail

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4 years ago

nothing will happen to them.

4 years ago

NO ONE is going to jail in the Communist Party.

These sorts of stories remind me of all the “Trump has this lock stock and barrel” that were pre-election.
That folks was Propaganda/DISINFO whatever name you wanna give it.
How many Pro Trump folks you think kept reading these sorts of stories and figured, hell, i just got out of work, i am beat, hungry and heading home, he has it.

(I) believe, that definately had a negative effect on our side.

YES, the SOB’z have committed voting crimes and fraud.
Biden’s “win” is a fraud.

But….that changes NO-thing.

Your first thoughts should be Media.
Media media media.

There the first ToO

4 years ago


Hard evidence proving intent.
Arrest warrants based on said evidence.
Unanimous conviction by jury.

4 years ago

And Everyone has been saying how “Smart” Lin Wood is…

NOBODY gets Arrested.

NOBODY gets Convicted.

NOBODY goes to Jail.

Justice will Only be Served by Mob and Woodchipper…

Bet Lin’s Makin’ Bank on his Legal Games.

4 years ago

War is coming 🤬

4 years ago

JAIL? I’m past the point of wanting to see them in jail. I want the American Men and Women to rise up and send them home to HELL..War? we will either rise up and fight,or we will be wiped off the face of this earth. Here the game plan this is a fight to the death, and the only way we will see Victory is by calling upon our Lord and Creator JESUS CHRIST. I know that alots of people are sick of hearing this,and hearing about the Bible and i fully understand this,because this bull shit that passes for what the Bible says today is enought to make a person sick. But you have to hear and know the true word of God not this sissy love every body crap that being taught today This land wasn’t built by a bunch of weak knee fagots it was built by God fearing men and women who knew the Word of God and lived it DO I HATE THOSE THAT HATE MY LORD ? YES I HATE THEM WITH A PERFECT HATE,I COUNT THEM AS MY ENEMIES. EDOM SHALL BE AS THE STUBBLE OF THE FIELD,AND THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH SHALL BE A FLAME, AND NOT ONE SHALL BE LEFT ALIVE. No room for sissy in that verse,Wake up people!! MY people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE Not because Knowledge wasn’t there.It because His people would not accept it when it was offered to them. OBEY AND LIVE,KEEP LISTENING TO THE FALSE PROPHETS OF TODAY AND PERISH. Where is all of china and russia missiles pointed at? is it some little spot of land in the middle east or us? a land shadowed with wings,a land with great waters on each side, a land born of war. The Bible can and will give you the answer you need. Seek God Word before that door is closed by God,just as God closed the door on Noah Ark and the people perished,but up into that time they could have been saved. Don’t make the same mistake come to God,before the door is closed,because time is SHORT..