Consider why a woman decided her children’s future had to include reason:
“I came here [Galt’s Gulch], not merely for the sake of my husband’s profession, but for the sake of my own. I came here in order to bring up my sons as human beings. I would not surrender them to the educational systems devised to stunt a child’s brain, to convince him that reason is impotent, that existence is an irrational chaos with which he’s unable to deal, and thus reduce him to a state of chronic terror. You marvel at the difference between my children and those outside, Miss Taggert? Yet the cause is so simple. The cause is that here, in Galt’s Gulch, there’s no person who would not consider it monstrous ever to confront a child with the slightest suggestion of the irrational.”
Consider the following excepts from HR 5 which was passed by the House of Representatives last night (February 25, 2021):
(7) The discredited practice known as “conversion therapy” is a form of discrimination that harms LGBTQ people by undermining individuals sense of self worth, increasing suicide ideation and substance abuse, exacerbating family conflict, and contributing to second class status.
(20) LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the foster care system by at least a factor of two and report twice the rate of poor treatment while in care compared to their non-LGBTQ counterparts. LGBTQ youth in foster care have a higher average number of placements, higher likelihood of living in a group home, and higher rates of hospitalization for emotional reasons and juvenile justice involvement than their non-LGBTQ peers because of the high level of bias and discrimination that they face and the difficulty of finding affirming foster placements. Further, due to their physical distance from friends and family, traumatic experiences, and potentially unstable living situations, all youth involved with child welfare are at risk for being targeted by traffickers seeking to exploit children. Barring discrimination in child welfare services will ensure improved treatment and outcomes for LGBTQ foster children.
and consider:
Minors May Get Sex Changes Without Parental Consent, if California’s Teachers Union Has Its Way
Can you see where the above legislation is leading concerning the sexuality of our children? Can you see how “feelings” will be used as a tool against reason?
People ask why we cannot come together. The answer is simple: we need to have common ground to unify. That common ground is our children’s future. Do not be led astray by other topics that are used to divide us such as immigration, voting or free money to buy our silence. Imagine if our efforts were united to form a nationwide private school network where our children would be taught reason instead of irrationality. Imagine what would happen in only six years if our children were not taught propaganda to rule their minds?
The pandemic has taught us one important lesson: we can organize classrooms on the Internet to teach a standardized curriculum to educate our children. Imagine how much money we would save by eliminating the Department of Education, school construction and maintenance, as well as teacher salaries and teacher union malfeasance.
The government would intervene because they have to. They must control our children in order to destroy them and our culture. Bring our children out of the chaos and everything else will fall into place.
David DeGerolamo
Spot on and why we decided to homeshool in the mid 1980’s. I could not be more thankful for our decision as I look at the now grown fruit of this effort.
The Amish teach their own all the time. To be honest, I have no seen any difference the smarts between them and their 8th grade education and the english 12th grade education.
There is also a Christian church north of where I grew up. They continue to grow every year by leaps and bounds.
There is no reason for anyone to send their kids to public schools if just we can together as a communities and make it happen.
Teaching them nothing (which is impossible,) would be lightyears ahead of gov indoctrination.
Btw, where is galtsgulch?
Who is John Galt?
The book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Heh, i thought they had a forum.
There is no place to go galt, but get way out, do everything yourself, have nothing they want, then ignore them.
Check out possum living by dolly freed.
Galt’s Gulch should be Everytown, USA.
The only impediment is the political elite and their allies in the media and law enforcement.
Well they have been actively working on taking our children for decades now,. We should,by now, all know just how much we are headed to loose. I don’t know how Americans can be this gullible. But…………
Most americans are functionally illiterate on practical common sense matters. Parents will allow the state to do most anything, they too are dumbed down.
Absolutely the way to protect the children..
What Is Homeschooling? A Guide for Parents Looking For Something New (
Sense & Nonsense -- Communist Rules for Revolution (
[…] Source: […]
I never go looking for such stuff, but I always seem to find it when I looking for something else! Situation Update, Feb. 26th – MAD WORLD edition –
Child Molesting, a.k.a pedophilia, has ALWAYS been the End Goal of the lgbtqrstwtf Perverts.
(((who))) Promotes this? why, the very (((same people))) who use pedophilia, providing underaged (and often enslaved) prostitutes to politicians.
So many fear the coming re education camps. Not knowing they are already here. Putting our children on the buses every morning! Paying enormous amounts of money to send them to these New age indoctrination —al colleges!
i still believe that we the parents at home a a few ‘Good’ teachers can still steer our children down the correct path.
[…] This article takes it a further step as a solution for unity. Not neccesarily nationwide across all divides, but definitely one amongs the varied factions of the right. […]