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Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

So I should hide my faith, hide my guns, hide my children, hide my wealth, hide my speech………..Really?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

There is an old saying, ” if it is time to hide your guns, it is really time to use them”. That being said, redundancy and PACE are still important things to remember!

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

It’s good to have things for a rainy day.

That is all

john underwood
john underwood
2 years ago

The video is referring to Biden’s executive order 14067, which is lengthy and investigating the use of digital currency implemented by our govt. There would be no hiding of our cash , for eventually CBDC (central bank digital currency) would be the ONLY way to access your money and any banking services. Cash as we know it now as paper fiat money would become worthless. Your account would be your “wallet “and accessed by your phone or computer…monitored easily and always by the govt. Once installed wave good-bye to any freedom here in the new AmeriKa.

Last edited 2 years ago by john underwood
2 years ago
Reply to  john underwood

nine of the major financial institutions in America announce two weeks ago that they had joined the pilot program for this, and the immediate goal was to ascertain how to assign the social credit system and the central banks digital currency. As some may know that EO, stated that the implementation date of the order was 210 days after the signing of the order, which was October 4th. One other thing to remember here is that, once you deposit money into a financial institution of any kind, said money becomes the property of the institution and not you, (DoD Act) and you are simple the bottom of the totem pole “unsecured creditor” to the bank or institution.

2 years ago

The people and their possessions are the natural resource of all governments.
If you can’t hold it it isn’t yours, further if you can’t hide it you can’t keep it!
There are lots of places in the country for caches of important supplies!

2 years ago

when this goes down, the currency you now have in hand will be worthless… now you can take the cash you have and buy the new currency at a inflated price. What you have in the bank will be deflated to the new currency. But when you use old currency to buy new currency you will be taxed on it… What you owe on your house, car, boat plane will still be at the same price or higher. The banks will not lose anything, they will gain in property. That is how they will help the gov do this act. Your house you owe 25 more years on will suddenly double or triple in payment to match the currency. Will most bend over and take it??? who knows.

2 years ago

“Money” in the Bank belongs to the Bank, you are a “creditor” of the Bank. This is Feral Law. Safety Deposit Boxes will not be accessable in a Banking Crisis. Paper Fiat “money” in your possession in a “Crisis” may only be acceptable to merchants for a max of two weeks before the “exchange” value becomes worthless. It may take some time for hard money to “settle in”, and products will be priced by the ounce/s of silver. Gold will be more a store of wealth and for larger mechanical or real estate purchases.
All of the above pre-supposes WE are in control of the economy after a collapse and Not the Feral Reserve Digital NWO Masters. There will always be a “Black Market” regardless of the Elitists. It’s really UP TO US and how much We will Tolerate from the Feral Scum.

2 years ago

Folks may have seen this, but Bill Holter is mentioning cash
could be worthless not long after the crash…holding cash is in twenties should be used quickly once the crash hits.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

A reminder. The NSA already has an algorithm for you and everyone else in the US. They already know of every transaction you made electronically. And a whole lot more. Your cash will be worthless. Absolutely worthless. That’s the plan. And the plan is ahead of schedule.

2 years ago

He is correct , if you haven’ been removing money from your accounts I suggest you begin. These thieves in the government are in smoke filled back rooms devising all sorts of evil schemes to steal your assets. Hide all you have and no matter what laws they pass do not heed any of them, they are illegal like dimentia Biden is .