They Hate You

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Arizona Sentinel
Arizona Sentinel
3 years ago

Are you just finding this out now?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Anyone with any common sense has come to this conclusion, it seems like a very small percentage but still, that is what we have to work with. And still a smaller % see only one way out of this. I see myself as maybe the 3 or 4% that think this only our only way. They call us bloodthirsty seeking vengeance and CW, I say to them you seek slavery and obedience at all costs. You have given your lives over to your masters willingly, why do you seek me to join you? I will not, I have made my choice and it is in obedience to God, we crossed the Rubicon a long time ago, I will answer the call and join my brothers and sisters to take our freedom and liberty.