Mozilla, the developer of Firefox browser, says “more must be done” to rid cyberspace of President Trump and other bad actors.
Mozilla argues that banning and permanent removal of bad actors is not enough.

Mozilla tweeted out that the unrest at the Capitol was the “culmination of a four-year disinformation campaign orchestrated by the President.”
This week we saw the culmination of a four-year disinformation campaign orchestrated by the President. We have to acknowledge how the internet was misused to get here.
And we have to change it.
— Mozilla (@mozilla) January 8, 2021 reported:
Mozilla, developer of the Firefox internet browser, has argued that more must be done to keep Donald Trump and other “bad actors” out of cyberspace, prompting many to vow to never use the group’s services again.
In a blog post titled ‘We need more than de-platforming’, the open-source software community said that Twitter’s decision to permanently ban Trump from its platform didn’t go far enough in weeding out “hate” on the internet. While blaming Trump for the “siege and take-over” of the US Capitol on January 6, the non-profit tech group argued that “white supremacy is about more than any one personality.”
“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than just the temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms,” Mozilla wrote.
The group proposed a number of measures to help protect the internet from verboten views. Internet ads should list who paid for them, how much they are paying, and who is being targeted, Mozilla said. There should also be “meaningful transparency” of platform algorithms so that people can examine what kind of content is being promoted.
The group also demanded that “tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation” are added to the default settings of internet platforms, and said that independent research must be carried out to determine how social media is affecting society and what can be done to “improve things.”
The blog post concluded by stating that the answer to Trump and other allegedly bad voices was not to “do away with the internet,” but rather to “build a better one” that can “withstand” such “challenges.”
Here is a possible alternative.
Haven’t tried it yet, but this could be a good replacement for Firefox, especially if you’re not into Brave
So, switching to Brave Browser or Dissenter Browser is easy. Wait, you say… how about my bookmarks and all my saved passwords?
Piece of cake:
This is a simple choice to make. I shall stop using firefox immediately. I shall do everything to preserve the integrity of my data before the removal and installation of a new browser. I shall resist any and all tyranny.
To Firefox…..It has been nice, just not real nice. I wish you luck with your new path. (sarc)
Dude, go to you tube now. Look up The truth will expose them. Wikileaks just dumped a shit load files out! Clinton emails, everything
I ditched Firefox a few weeks ago, using brave and snownaze on iPhone. No problems here
Ditched them years ago when they fired the programmer regarding wrongthink bad feelz about globohomo.
Tor was made by dot gov and one day it was connecting out without permission.
Deleted it and never used again.
It is mere illusion and pretty sentiment to expect much from mankind if he forgets how to make war.
“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
Banker James Paul Warburg, February 17, 1950
I don’t know what my phone uses, only had a smart phone when my flip phone stopped being able to be used..Middle of this summer… I’ve been using opera on my pc’s for years maybe 10, firefox has always been liberal… >>> NO ISSUE in over 10 years…
Zero saving, sharing, or selling your search data
No third party trackers or cookies like other search engines
Un-profiled search results
Browse other sites in complete privacy with Anonymous View
I have used it for at least a decade -- not one issue.
Folks, please understand: Startpage uses guuugle. Now it is allegedly private, it you are dealing with all of the guuuugle censorship of the search itself. Now honestly, I have been seeing far too much of the leftist stuff show up on duck-search so I am not sure what to suggest. Back in the mid-90s, I always liked metacrawler and then guuuugle appeared. They were initially simply utilizing other search engines, they had a catchy name… and we didn’t know they were commies!
Smoke signals, anyone?
Something to Consider…