They Want Our Children: What Else Do You Need in Order to Fight Evil?

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Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

The first problem is that parents still send their children to government indoctrination schools. These parents still believe their kid’s school is good.
The second problem is that parents vote for retired teachers for the local school boards. These retired teachers continue the scam of indoctrination.
The third problem is that parents send their children to government schools primarily to babysit their kids. Most parents are not engaged with what their kids are being taught, but they activity participate with their kid’s sports activities.
And the last problem is that parents do not resists actions by school boards to build football stadiums and aquatic centers for each high school. Here in Texas high schools are not learning centers, they are entertainment and sports centers. That is why home schooled kids out score government schooled kids on college entrance exams by a wide margin.
Here in Texas school property taxes are unbelievable oppressive. There is no accountability for teachers or school boards. There is no performance appraisal for school boards or the teachers. School boards have no constraint on their expenditures. It really is a racket.
The solution is not to build back better (scam) -- the solution is to completely replace the pre-industrial revolution communist unified school systems and their oppressive school property taxes that has no accountability and replace it with small local decentralized neighborhood directed schooling much like the homeschool networks.
Parent(s) will have to participate in the actual teaching of their kids. Football, baseball and aquatics will no longer be the the primary reason for schools. Funding will be based on user fees not extortion by school boards. School boards will be done away with. Fewer teachers will be needed as one of the parents will coordinate the learning sessions similar to homeschooling. In other words parents in the neighborhood will coordinate together learning activities, as well as, after school actives such as secondary sports. Parents would no longer outsource their kids education to government unionized communist teachers and school boards that have no performance criteria or accountability.
By the way, this method is already be used by responsible parents with wonderful results who have not outsourced their kids education. Unfortunately, these responsible parents are still paying school property tax extortion. Here in Texas school board superintendents are normally one of the highest paid people in the community. Why is that?

3 years ago

And you’re absolutely right. And college is nothing more than a financial system to support the sports complex. Three of my grandchildren are/were home schooled in Ft Worth which has a very good support system. The level of intelligence is awesome. Two are in Hillsdale which has a very conservative constitutional format. Only trouble is, what do they do when they graduate? We need more vocational schools for those who don’t aspire to college level education. Always a need for service and skilled workers.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

My brother is the Director of Trades at multi-campus trades college. They have just been hit financially because the government withdrew subsidy money in the millions. In other words, the Biden administration doesn’t want ordinary people to have access to training as they are destined at this point to be on welfare. This school has basically shut down and is trying to put together an on-line college for trades. But how does that work? Trades are by definition hands on. A student can’t learn without the opportunity to lay their hands on a part, a bolt, a hammer or a tape measure. My point is this, people like my brother, who have degrees up to the sky and years of work experience in manufacturing plants, need to be sought out by private investors and we need to home school the “not going to college” people before the teachers die off. This is a very serious problem, not just for young people but for survival. There are some great ideas for creating successful schools that would teach capitalism right along side mechanics, but this needs to be beyond the realm of government or mega-corporation money. It needs to be by community.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Parent(s) will have to participate in the actual teaching of their kids. Football, baseball and aquatics will no longer be the the primary reason for schools.

Do you really think the parents of today are sending their kids to school for sports? Or do you think the parents are selfish and just want a day care so they don’t have to be bothered by them? Look around at the majority of parents and honestly answer that.

@David -- As to what is holding people back? Ignorance, apathy, stupidity, laziness and selfishness (pick one or all). MAH HOUSE! MAH WIFE! MAH KIDS! MAH MORTAGE! MAH JOB! TRUMP WILL BE BACK 2024 TO SAVE US! (yeah like he “saved us” the first time).

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

What is holding people back is fear.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

What holds anyone/people back in any way re ANYthing is always fear. That fear indoctrinated into us day 1, by already fearful, albeit loving, parents, caretakers, etc. We all spend a good part of our lives trying to see the fear source, understand it, and then work out of it. Earth life is a tough teacher. We all just do the best we can in any situation, and that changes constantly. Anyone else exhausted? Even more exhausted than fearful? This human populaton just seems to be always fighting SOMEthing…I’m (insert words I won’t use here) exhausted.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

You completely nailed the problems. Thank you.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

As I told my younger brother, only a fool send their kids to public school.