They Want Us Starving to Death

h/t WRSA

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2 years ago

So upsetting

2 years ago

the government (plug in your country here) wants you dead.

Tragedy of the Commons

But, THEY won’t -- Not pushing the books. Just info.
I remember years ago there was You Tube video a worker took of
stockpiling tons of food in enormous caves. Heavy equip. had to be
used to reach the top, 200 ft high and going way back. Looked for the
video but the free source of information is no more. And, don’t forget
the seed vault Gates put together.
They need to go down with the ship. Enough is enough.

2 years ago

As recently as several decades ago, I would have seriously thought a person writing and article titled -- THEY WANT US STARVING TO DEATH -- was a mad man/woman! NOW I KNOW, FOR THE PAST DECADE, THAT IT IS A 100% TRUE STATEMENT! If you add on to this whole subject a spiritual component -- we certainly are headed into the last days -- how far we are into them only God knows for certain!

2 years ago

As usual we collectively shrug.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

Why is any government telling any business how much product the business can produce? Why is any government telling any business to destroy produced product? Why is any government destroying free-markets? All governments only know how to constrain and destroy -- they do not know how to produce. All governments embrace death, perversion, and ugliness -- they despise life, beauty and especially despise the White productive Christian culture. All governments are now roque regimes that are intent on destroying everything! Who is $ John Galt? TEXIT!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago