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It will be worse than you can imagine. The last big depression, the government wasn’t attacking their own people with bio weapons. Ethnic warfare. Foreign invasion? The power grid is mostly over 80 years old. And unlike back then, we actually need electricity now.
Do we ‘need’ it or do we ‘want’ it?
What will it take to Humble a world gone mad?
Mankind is not in control
M class solar flare -- Cme Mid level impact , not terribly strong not terribly weak
CME Impact Tomorrow, Cosmic Fields, Big Burb | S0 News Jan.31.2022
Electricity. We need it. No water, meds, food, gas, transportation, etc. Death for hundreds of millions of humans.
Just because you need electricity does not guarantee that you will get any.
The last time that there was an honest assessment of the North Λmerican power grid, it was estimated that a large enough CME from the sun (or a large enough series of EMPs from nukes) would burn out almost all of the electrical grid’s transformers, thus ending the power grid in the USΛ.
Because those transformers take such a very long time to manufacture, and because they are no longer manufactured here in the USΛ, it would take about twenty years to restore those nationwide.
That same assessment estimated that, without grid electrical power, 90 percent of the US population would die within one year.
Modern mega-citiy shìtholes cannot survive without grid electric. In ancient times, cities would grow to a certain size before overcrowding would result in epidemics that would wipe out most of the population. It wasn’t until grid electric was provided that entire cities could have water and sanitation capabilities that would allow them to grow large without disease running rampant once that population level threshold had been reached.
It already sucks to be stuck in any of those modern mega-shìtholes today, but it will suck an order of magnitude worse once the power goes down and stays down.
That is why my wife and I moved up into a very rural part of the rugged Λrizona mountains 14 years ago. We now live in our 2-story dream Retreat home with our own well and solar power. A year-round spring-fed creek runs along our property line.
I work from home over the Internet and I make a darn good living doing that, so we never have to travel to any of those mega-shìtholes ever again.
Once the electric grid goes down for good, it will be Mad Max time for those short-sighted idiots who remain stuck in those mega-shìtholes. Most of them are Libtard Democrook Fruit Bat Snowflake Whackadildo Control Freaks anyway, so they will not be missed.
Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish.