Think About It

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Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
15 hours ago

I sure did process it, and that they didn’t stand for the others either, like the boy that had brain cancer or the man’s family who had given his life to protect them. I can only hope it will sink into the rest of the world how childish, foolish. and greedy the Democrats that sat there really are. President Trump is right saying that they almost destroyed our country. I’m so glad he is boldly speaking up!

Last edited 15 hours ago by Balanced Rock
Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
14 hours ago

I am glad the demon-crats showed their true colors. The demoncrats should be deported to some shithole in Africa and never allowed to come back, they should have have all thier bank accounts and properties taken away.

13 hours ago

Well to be fair, THEY were all partially responsible for her death as they fully supported the policies that led to her death.

11 hours ago

Can anyone tell me if the US State Department overseas migrant centers have been shut down? Are they still flying invaders into the interior of my country? Has the big invader center at the bottom of Panama been shut down? Micheal Yon are you out there?