Think About It


h/t WRSA


I believe we are at the point where truth is no longer important.

John 8:31-32

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

If we are enslaved and the truth is no longer important, the only conclusion is that we do not want to be free. Most people will disagree but ask yourself why you are not fighting to be free? We do not abide in the Word, stand up for our natural laws or honor our oaths. Truly a sad ending to an empire gone mad with power by dementia riddled leaders and traitors.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

A few technocrat billionaires are desperately trying to manipulate God’s creation. God will not be manipulated by man. There is only one relief from anxiety and that is hope in the Lord. To follow God, separation from the world is required.

Jesus warned of satanic opposition to His Word. Walking with Christ can be difficult. We must take up our cross and follow Him.

3 years ago

I have read the 1st chapter in the Kennedy vs. Fauci book. It is 100 pages and contains the gist of what the book is about. What we have seen as conspiracy theories are validated with peer review medical research.
There are 103 citations, alone, on the Ivermectin sub chapter. IVM does have efficacy when used in prophylactic doses. IVM is not dangerous. There are 379 reported deaths in its 30 years of use. There were 17,000 reported deaths in the first 10 months from covid jabs. VAERS deaths are being under reported by 5-50 times.
I have kept large animals and used veterinarian meds. There is only one source for any given medication. They are used interchangeably between humans and animals. The prophy dose for “horse” IVM is 1/4 turn of the syringe dial for each 125# of body weight for prophy.based on 5mg as a therapy dose. Frequency of dosage is every 5-7 days. The above research is available online. The IVM syringes are available from veterinarian suppliers online ~$15 for 24 prophy does for a 125# human, where available.
After reading this book I will be relieved to have my medical license (NRAEMT) expire in March.
WE are being duped on a large and criminal scale.

3 years ago
Reply to  ZebBlanchard

The book is shocking! I still read it each day and take notes. I want to vomit on the bastards who did this.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Just vomit?

3 years ago

We are not to live in a spirit of fear, either. I agree with David. Many/most Americans have become soft and domesticated. They value the illusion of safety over freedom. Those of us who value freedom, truth, beauty, and the good are simply ignoring TPTB by way of non-compliance. Anything more ‘active’ than that would be suicidal at this point. Creator of All will, at some point, align conditions, circumstances, and opportunity to allow for a more productive resistance. Until then, we wait, we prep, and we refuse to comply.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

“Truly a sad ending to an empire gone mad with power…”. The empire you’re referring to is, I’m thinking, the U.S. This “thing” that is happening, though, isn’t just happening to the U.S. It looks to me to be world/planetwide. It’s bigger than dementia riddled leaders and traitors -- of course, not diminishing their roles in “IT.” I refer again to Jeremiah 33:3, if one wants the scoop -- “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty and hidden things you do not know.” And, Yeshua said, I believe, “Ask…”. Apparently not much calling or asking going on. Even with answers, one may not be able to do much about it as far as the collective is concerned, but can help oneself navigate the wild waters. I believe somewhere -- probably alluded to in more than one place -- it’s said that I will not leave you; will not leave you comfortless; I will help, etc. Even though world groups are being affected greatly and painfully, the primary work on ourselves as individuals is the only thing that can change the collective…one at a time. And that may take quite awhile, from what I see.

Elder Son
3 years ago

Think about it: Covid: The Virus Is Your Manipulated Emotions

If you want a good long source of Transhumanism… go here.

And like I have been saying long before the Jabs were released… they will not be the end, they are the cornerstone, the foundation, that all other jabs will be built upon.

Here we are. Boosters anyone?

3 years ago

We are living in a time where Truth is greatly suppressed. See Romans 1:18