Think People

The belief that we will be able to vote our way out of this is not grounded in logic. There is only one political party. Both Democrat and Republican elites colluded to remove the lawful President and destroy the nation. This Deep State controls every facet of FUSA and the only box left to us to regain our Liberty is the cartridge box.

If you believe that the massive voter fraud that resulted in a Presidential coup will not be repeated, I have two questions:

  1. These traitors replicated the same overthrow in the Georgia Senate race with no consequences after the November election coup. Why would they stop now or ever?
  2. The election results that are required to be maintained by state laws have been ignored. Ballots have been destroyed and the audits to prove their treason have been stopped. Are elections won by the number of votes or by who is counting/manipulating the votes?

I refuse to support the overthrow of the Presidency, House of Representatives and Senate by voter fraud. I refuse to vote in a system where the outcome is predetermined by the Deep State and supported by the Supreme Court, military and media. You can tell yourself that excrement does not stink but that does not make it smell any better. The only way forward is to remove the traitors who have stolen our Republic.

For those who still hope in this failed logic:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of ...

Suck it up buttercup and prepare for war or let posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

David DeGerolamo

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thomas finley
thomas finley
3 years ago

We are at that point, there is no other way. We have to act with courage.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

My god that Sam Adams quote is great for the second time in history!

3 years ago

No amount of shaming will change the attitude/behavior of cowardly, indolent conservatives.

Buttercup Brigade
Buttercup Brigade
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

That ‘buttercup’ comment made me grab my 1911 and american flag shirt, slip on my chunky white Sketchers and now i’m ready to go fight some ‘lefties’ on their own turf! Boomer Brigade inbound!!!!

3 years ago

The line of voter fraud was crossed over 6 months ago. It has not to date been dealt with in a manner that renders Justice. It is stuck at the SOS level. I am wondering what will trigger the general population into taking their Republic, Constitution and Sovereignty back. The normal channels of support have decayed to the point of uselessness. It is time for the people to make a choice between slavery or freedom. It is my opinion that we lack leadership. Where do we find leaders that are willing an able to stand tall?

3 years ago

There has been no country in recorded history that was able to vote its way out of tyranny.

3 years ago

I’m just waiting for the party to start; because that’s all I can do under the circumstances. I’m an old, old lone wolf with no pack to join. Still able to bite even without teeth.

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

I hear you loud and clear brother. I am like you. I do what I can & will what I have to should the time come. God bless OT

3 years ago

Best Alternate (reworded) Use of Doctor E’s Theory of Insanity!

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

There is no vote. There is no law. There is no USA. There is no Constitutional government. There is no “hierarchy” of leadership because our ‘leaders’ are either posturing for followers or are locked in their own closets. But take heart, courage is where no one is willing to look. Those are the people with piles of trash and abandoned cars in the yard who are busy burying a few old heaps with supplies inside. There are the not so “Christian” men who are coming home bone tired and reloading bullets in the barn. They don’t have time for computer talk, just getting by fulltime.

3 years ago

I am in Retail, we will call it…
I deal with people everyday.
I hear them everyday, as they stand around and yap with those they know.
And us.
I dont hear what i should.
Maybe thats good, maybe thats bad.

Lots sheep out there.
Alot of different kinds of sheep to.

We are screwed.
Best prepare in ways you never dreamed of.
And that includeds my ass as well.
It Never goes as We think

Thomas Dowling
3 years ago

EVERYTHING happening now should have been clearly obvious after the usurper 0bama coup of 2008!

It was all clearly obvious in 2008 to some of US. Not the details, but the current results.

We the People as a majority consented to throw Our Constitution in the garbage. 

Because of this, “they” knew they had US! 

EVERYTHING happening now should be expected.

The Trump election coup was phase two as “they” already got away with it the first time in 2008.

Actions & inactions have consequences.

The longer the inaction, the worse the situation will get.

3 years ago

Two choices: stand or bend over……..

3 years ago

Finally!!!! Someone has admitted that there is NO way Americans can get out of this tyranny and right this ship through corrupt Judicial, Legislative and Executive and anti American and Constitutional branches of gov. I applaud you for saying what I’ve been thinking for a long, long time. Thanks.