This HAS to be a joke. Didn’t the Germans learn their lesson already? Or do they think third time’s the charm.
— Gonzalo Lira (@GonzaloLira1968) April 4, 2023
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Hmmm…I wonder if they will attack at the onset of winter? Inquiring minds want to know.
I think spring through Ukraine, would be better!
The German military is a shadow of it’s former WW2 days. They only have 260 tanks. Only half of them are working. Their air force has been neglected, also. They have 8 submarines. I’m told that all of them are in dock for overdue maintenance. German industrial capacity has been devastated by putting sanctions on cheap energy from Russia. Then we blew up Nordstream pipeline to keep the Germans from cutting a deal with the Russians. Many German steel mills have shut down and so have their aluminum smelters. How are they going to build weapons? Plus they disarmed themselves by giving lots of their surplus weapons to Ukraine. Europe is cooked. So are we.
As a German I can tell you:
Yes, 100 billion have been given to the army.
But no orders for equipment have been issued.
And to ask Germans to go to war…
We have been taught in school that war is evil and the leftwing loonies spit on anything military.
There are enough quotes from green politicians that they cannot understand patriotism, because thats Nazi, they want to abolish the army, NATO and disarm the police.
No, I am not a friend of Putin, but I am against the current leaders of Germany.
So, if Putin would march into Germany and his soldiers behaved -- unlike 1945 -- I would be willing to help set up the gallows for nearly every german politician from 1950 till today.
My dream is a real Germany (yes, I admit I want the borders of 1914) and that Germany should be neutral. Totally neutral.
Their own generals have publicly stated that Germany is barely capable of waging a defense, let alone a war against Russia, where do they come up with silly propaganda?