They stole our money and used it to destroy America, and then they fixed elections so we couldn't stop it.
— Sarah Sizzle (@sizzle_sarah) March 23, 2025
I want people in prison. Don’t you?
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I want people to HANG!!!
Time to reclaim assets we the People paid for, such as Alphabet inc.
Aka Google, Youtube, Facebook, ect.
Most people don’t know the history of google. Couple Cal-State immigrant students get funded from DARPA? Nothing to see here. I used to suspect, but programming and conditioning kicked in and I said to myself “I must be a conspiracy wingnut”. Then Sergy bought an entire california base and airstrip from NASA for a song and dance, and you pretty much knew that was part of his payoff for selling america and the world out to the intelligence services.
Clownworld is obvious for all who want to see it. Most people simply don’t want to see it. That’s WHY the metaphor from the Matrix scene is so striking -- they know the steak isn’t real, but they don’t care.
Yes, we deserve justice, which includes monetary compensation from the companies who helped steal the election, and nothing less than prison. If there is no punishment the crimes will continue.
If there is no deterrent to the crime, why would it NOT continue? Appeal to people’s good graces? The same people that just got caught fucking you over are suddenly going to grow a conscious?
Pull the other one, it’s got bells on it…
We need a deterrent so strong nobody would dare even think about repeating it. Public hangings and leave the corpses on Washington Mall for 1-year, then scatter their bones to the 4 corners of the ocean, give the Navy boys something to do besides buttfucking each other when out at sea.
Cement the skulls on either side of all outside stairways on the Capitol building. Por encoureges les autres.
Yes, but I’m not holding my breath, this has been going on for over 50 years.
Exactly. This has been going on since before WW2. Usury and the “money lenders” pull the puppet strings.i wish more people would read “The Bad War” by Mike King. For me it tied up alot of loose ends and put it all together. Either way I havetalked to some people who have “woke up” recently and think it is all Biden or Obama, and everything before that was hunky dory.
When are we going to see PERP WALKS???? If Trump doesn’t show some action…the People will!
Prison? Sure…while awaiting execution…