This could lead to the destruction of the West

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

Most of the time I’m hoping for Russia to destroy the Empire, the Empire that destroyed Western civilization. And then there are days that I wonder if the Empire, Russia and China are all in on this together. The Empire goes to war against Russia and China at the same time. Of course, the Empire loses and Biden surrenders us. Wouldn’t be surprised at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Russia has implemented digital Ids and is working with the World Bank to implement CBDCs. Destroying the West would be a good way to implement the same here or nuking the West into a memory would ensure a Russia/China dominated century.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 year ago

Not surprising, as the globalhomo death shot pushing anti free-market pro war gun grabbing open border pro Israel zionist non-thinking zeros in the administration and congress who have never produced anything of value. They absolutely despise thinking people who produce something of value. BTW, who cares about globalist Ukraine the new Israel? Answer: Only the corrupt military industrial complex and members of congress who are receiving huge kick backs from Ukraine. Who is $ John Galt? TEXIT!

1 year ago

remember almost eighty percent of those arms and money never even sees Ukraine, it’s just the amazon distribution center for the rich and evil.

1 year ago

with all the items he lists that’s like a tad more than the numbers the old fool traitor is tossing around.
Joey entry with air-raid sirens should have been seen as appropriate, since he’s promoting a third world war, a war that will likely be far more deadly that anything ever seen on this little (for now) blue ball.