This Has Never Happened Before

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Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
3 years ago

Yes. wonder why?

3 years ago

I’ve seen the statists that say how by every metric the US would be better off, including, more (average) wealth, less crime, better health, higher education, fewer abortions, and even higher IQ levels if only we were to ship the blacks back to Africa.
There is no place in my country for the trash like that POS, and usually you can identify them by looking at them. Notice the head / chin up with flared nostrils and showing of the teeth. Pure animal aggressive behavior, commonly seen in thugs with those stupid knots in their hair.

3 years ago

Just your friendly neighborhood globalists, trying to instigate a race war.With your governments assistance, of course.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

The unfortunate secret about the LGBTQRXZLOMOP is…about 90% of us really don’t give a rat crap about whether they’re offended or not. We just think they’re deviant and non-essential. In the conflict about to come upon us these folks are expendable.