This Is Bad

ECB asks some lenders to monitor social media for early signs of bank runs

The European Central Bank has asked some banks to closely monitor activity on social media to detect a worsening in sentiment which could lead to a deposit run, two banking executives with knowledge of the request told Reuters.


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1 year ago

This is prima fascia evidence that folks need to STOP using social media as a “diary” of their activities.
STF UP, do what you do, and remain silent on what you have -- PERIOD!

1 year ago

Friend, you mean stop posting on (gasp,shudder) social media like NC RENEGADE about all we are going to do when…

I agree BTW that folks quit bragging endlessly about this and that.

Do or do not, their is no try. Yoda

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David as we’ve discussed before I noticed that you are very careful about your OPSEC. I appreciate that.

Quite a few here have lousy OPSEC and they hate it when you call them on earlier comments.

Your words and information has often been a blessing for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

But some here are constantly blasting that somebody needs to do something and bragging about they are going to do blah blah blah.

F B I keywords much?

I should just ignore keyboard Heros. Especially those that claim open Militias, and act like everyone here is a coward if they speak about OPSEC and not fedposting.

Speaking frankly who walks into the bar and tells Tommy Badass I’m going to beat you down tomorrow night?

Yet somehow our professional braggers here call the non braggers Cowardly.

Sorry when I react.

1 year ago

I agree, the people need to get off of those sites and keep their stupid mouths shut, and they need to stop airing their laundry on all of those communist run globalist sites.