Mr. Hanson makes excellent points.
The rule of law is the basis of our Republic. Remove the rule of law and the result is simple: the Republic is dead. And the federal government is responsible for its death.
Do you want to be a tinker toy in their grand woke experiment or do you want to restore and rebuild the Great Experiment?
David DeGerolamo
The federal government did not kill the Republic, the People did by not caring enough to keep it alive.
The answer to this is who is John Galt? It is time to build something better that was has evolved.
Hard men lead to good times -- good times lead to soft men -- soft men lead to hard times. And so the circle continues as it has since the beginning of time. Our republic was designed for an educated and moral people, it will serve no other. We have failed for want of an easy life -- Who is John Galt?
Get used to this,we got 3 more years of it. Thank the people who voted these DA’s in. They knew damn well what they were voting for.
he was illegally installed --coup-- what makes you think he’s leaving in 3 yrs?
and slow joe isn’t the problem. he’s not aware of his own bodily functions. It’s the cabal, or deep state. whatever you want to call it.
I am not convinced that the people have voted anyone into a political position in many years.
Who is John Galt? TEXIT
It does not matter at this point, the fact of the matter is the usurpers have stolen our freedom and liberty. We will not restore the Republic without a fight, they will not give up what they have stolen. It is just this simple we kill them or they kill us, it is a hard fact to face especially if you have young children, but they are in harms way if we do not act.
The majority of parents are not acting. They are walking zombies.
my kid s do not attend public school wear a diaper or be poisoned…the day these tyrants try to enforce their will is the day we one of us dies because I’m not going into a internment camp… but your right it boggles my mind how many parents are going along with this whole plandemic even in the homeschooling community. God help us!
Neither (that is to be a “tinker toy” of government, politics, religiosity, fraudulent medicine and science, military, and defunct education), or restoring or rebuilding any so-called former (long past) republic. It was conditional “if you can keep it”, as Benjamin Franklin stated. Those conditions were not and have not been met. Therefore, there are no qualms about losing it. Americans simply don’t have the cultural cohesiveness, such as could be attained from work and being able to sustain and prosper from applying oneself. Further, they were not trained up to understand their form of government. People from other countries already know this landscape is bounty to be divided up. The “Art of War” would not be acknowledged by the rest of the world if it were not so. It may be more realistic to stop expecting people to “fight for their country”, and those that want to keep it, fight, if they like. That’s not to say that there won’t be local and regional pushback, but this seems like it will be more of a “pick up the pieces” type thing.
“Do you want to be a tinker toy in their grand woke experiment or do you want to restore and rebuild the Great Experiment?”. Actually I want to be one of the snipers laying prone about 100 yards from the animals breaking into the trains, and putting bullets in their guts…. Does that make me a bad person?????
as we watch other countries of the globe do away with their mandates time has come to hold those whom have perpetrated this calamity, responsible for their actions. Nuremberg two…with capital results for those that officiated.
Another rant by RINO cuck Hanson who whined and complained years ago when the Fresno Vatco Locos invaded his property and stole his farm equipment. He was too busy rubbing elbows with the rest of the Dead Elephants such as Larry Arnn and Bruce Herschenson; when he should have been protecting what was his. CA ist verloren. Let it fall down, let it fall down, let it all fall down.